For the last two years, I have used my Virgin V6 Box remote to control TV/Virgin Box/Naim Uniti Atom on/off and volume/mute. I have upgraded to Virgin 360 and, whilst on/off works in the usual way, volume doesn’t. I am having to use my Naim Uniti Atom remote to control volume/mute. Forum thoughts would be welcomed, please.
Is the virgin box connected to the atom directly?
Using HDMI cables, the Virgin box is connected to the TV and the TV is connected to the Atom.
Is the virgin remote “talking” to the atom directly, or does the instruction eg volume up/down” work via hdmi-cec? I.e. received by the virgin box and passed through hdmi to other connected devices?
For example, if I press pause on my tv remote, the pause instruction tells media player on a raspberry pi to pause.
My guess is your atom is working the same way. So are there settings in the virgin box relating to hdmi cec?
There is a setting on the Virgin box to connect to the Atom as well as the TV. When trying to use the setting, the Virgin box cannot find the Atom. What is really strange is that whilst the volume function won’t operate from the Virgin control, it’s on/off button shuts everything (TV, Virgin 360, Naim Uniti Atom) down.
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