Visiting Copenhagen

Will be there for a few days and know very little about Copenhagen, save what’s on the internet tourist bits.

Anyone have any personal/good suggestions for a family visit? In rainy weather…:wink:

I think @badger1963 has just been to Copenhagen

Lots of really good jazz clubs to go to. Great architecture and plenty of restaurants. I worked out there for a few months and really enjoyed it.

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I will gather my thoughts. Went a couple of weeks ago, second visit in a couple of years. Mind you no kids in tow. Will post again later…

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I’m sure Peter @Stenberg could give some suggestions for your visit.

If you’re with the family then a visit to the Tivoli gardens is an obvious choice.

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Cheers for that Keith, may be easier to ping me an email if you get the chance?

Will do!

is in top 3 of my favourite European cities together with Rome and Edinburgh, have a nice stay

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Thanks :grinning:

I can recommend Explore science in Experimentarium and

Zoo is also a possibility

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I was there with a group of work colleagues a few years ago. The Carlsberg museum is probably the best of its type (pun intended!) but it was very interesting. Tivoli Gardens should be a hoot for the whole family. Maybe sounds a bit naff but we went on a river/ canal cruise which I found a great way to take in much of the town in a short time period. Its a lovely place to dander around - they don’t half embrace getting around by bicycle.



Not for young kids, but when I was there at a conference a few years ago, a colleague and I went walkabout in the anarchist zone there, which iirc is called Christiania.

A fascinating place.

We talked to some of the locals and picked up the flavour of the place, a bit of how it is to live there, and why it was created, and a little bit about how it works.

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Sad to see one of Copenhagen’s landmark buildings has suffered a bad fire yesterday and the distinctive dragon spire of the stock exchange has been destroyed.

Image from wikipedia.


Yep, we were stood outside it (covered in scaffolding) the exact same time last Tuesday!

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