Vitus SIA-025 - Anyone tried one?

@Dunc thank you.

Just received back my 10 year old MUSIC cable after having it re terminated to XLR (as I now no longer use Naim kit). Slotted it in-between my dCS Rossini APEX and DarTZeel preamplifier
WOW…may I repeat…WOW


Cables do make a big impact, those cables that hook up to my dCS Rossini Apex are actually more expensive than the DAC itself. I’m sure that I will replace the Rossini sooner than I change those cables. In fact, I had already put the Rossini + clock aside and am now using the EMM Labs DV2 most of the time.

On Dac output and amp input sensitivity. I emailed VITUS HQ and asked if, as I assumed, 2v dac and 2v input on the SIA 025 would be the best all round setting.

I got a very pleasant and welcoming reply from the CEO and son of the founder. His answer to my question was:

“ Your assumption is correct.

You’d basically like to have the sensitivity as close and slightly above the input signal of the amp. 2V output and 2V RMS should give the best 1-1 experience, however, outputting 6V and setting the amp in 8V RMS can help with the signal-to-noise ratio whereas the noise is what is picked up by the cables. In most situations this is absolutely not necessary and is mostly for pro-audio where you’d have signal cables running 10+ meter.”

As my xlr cables are only 1m long I have used 2v to 2v. Very happy with the sound and no problem with temperatures.

I also just installed a three shelf Stillpoints ESS rack and so far it seems a worthwhile upgrade. Interestingly as well as, to me, sounding fantastic the SIA 025 is also running at a much lower temp on the new rack. Class AB is cold - not discernible from room temp, Class A running cooler as well.

If you can run 6 volt you may find it sounds slightly better as most that do agreed.
Also you will get a higher volume in class A before the amp turns class B. Obviously you might not need the extra volume.

Has anyone used a 4 pin din to RCA? I was thinking of keeping my supercap/superline to the Vitus but would need to convert a chord music 4 pin din to 4 pin din to 4 pin din to rca.

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Hi Dunc
I found I preferred the 1 to 1 settings. Class A was slightly faster sounding and less laid back and Class AB becomes much more full and rounded while maintaining great speed and timing.

The email I received from Alexander Vitus Mogensen also said: “Pairing VA gear with Focal is always also a winner, if you ask me.”

I also read that Vitus Hq has used Focal utopia scalas for their sound testing and demoes for many years.

Of course system synergy plays a big part in what sounds right to each listener and your system may work better with 6v out to 8v input.

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It was more about how the dCS sounds at 6 volt V 2 volt rather than the rest.
Most feel the 6 volt sounds slightly better and if you can run it then most do.

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