Vitus sia030 plus humbolt, and dCS vivaldi clock

I love Naim gear and am a fan boy! But other people are allowed to like something else it doesn’t hurt my feelings! You have an amazing system by your profile have a beer and relax and enjoy it😁 everything will be ok.


I feel i have explained it many times, and not sure what more i can say.
The vivaldi dac came first, i then used my melco N10 to stream qobuz and play stored files before i eventually got the upsampler, i now also have the clock by the way. This was months later as i simply couldn’t afford it at the same time.
If it bothers you that much, just look back at my posts, you will see when i got both, plus if you look at the dCS road show, you will also see the date they were at hi fi lounge, and this will correspond with the time i got the upsampler, nothing to hide, but i will add the upsampler makes things even better, and the clock then also goes a step further, but the 3 box set up certainly costs, especially at new retail prices, luckily i didn’t pay anywhere near this as i just couldn’t justify it.
You can go back and read my thoughts on it all as it’s still here if you look, so no real point dragging it all back up really.

Nothing else to add to this, so once again hope this clears it up.
Cheers dunc


Hi, yes, my point had nothing to do with you acquiring your boxes in staggered steps - it was to do with the level of investment required before you could definitively say - following tests in your own home - that this now beats my 552. I have never doubted that you feel you have now reached that level - but your oft-repeated slating of the 552 needs to be set against the cost required for today’s and tomorrow’s enthusiast to reach that level for themselves. That’s all - I think we get each other’s points - Cheers, good luck and am looking forward to following your audio journey in future.

The cost is always a consideration obviously but if you really want to compare then i guess its
Naim ND555 and power supply £25k ish or £32K if you add in the second power supply, plus a 552dr £25k. Thats £50K or £57K
Vivaldi apex dac is around £36k then you would need to add a streamer to match like for like, so anything from £20 raspberry pie up to a £30k taiko extreme.
So that makes things very interesting is how i see it.
Cheers dunc


Well in that case you need to bow out because you never did any of these comparisons.

Once again i haven’t a clue what you are getting at.
I did many comparisons but mostly used a top melco to feed it all when doing this, at dealer shop, and at home. As in stored music off the melco all using the same cables etc, etc.
It’s not hard to hear the difference at all.

But you are right i will bow out as really it’s all been said before.

We all spend our money how we want and we all want different thing’s. For some reason i feel you need me to give you reassurance on all this. But really if you are that concerned then the only real answer for you is go and have a demo. If not then just carry on as it’s only music after all and certainly nothing important.

Cheers dunc


Alas, I think this is becoming more about someone “calling my baby ugly” than anything to do with music.

There seems to be no end of brave knights willing to defend the 552’s honour.



Maybe your dealer knew that you were going to promote the gear endlessly on this forum :wink:

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I enjoy reading Dunc’s threads about upgrading and trying out non Naim products.

For me the forum is basically a replacement for the hi-fi magazines I used to read in the 1980s and early 1990s. I would normally reach for HiFi Review first to read the rave review of the latest Naim product but I also liked to browse HiFi News from time to time and read their glowing reviews of the Absolute Sound gear.

If Naim are confident enough in their products to let people discuss their competitors gear on their forum I am not sure why anyone else would object.


Don’t think anyone’s objected to that. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Good to hear Crazy river. Hopefully Dunc’s upgrading threads can long continue.


He doesn’t need me for that i can assure you, nor does dCS.
Like most off us we are all just a drop in a very large tank off water, and my little contribution is just that, very little.
Good gear sells itself as with everything.

Plus it’s not me that keeps bringing it back up.
I have said all i am going to say, unless i get asked anything i can help with, just like everyone else does about the kit they buy. Everyone does it on here, be it a different make cable, speaker, cd player the list goes on, i am no different to you, i just say it how i find it, it’s as simple as that, and it’s my opinion just as yours is yours.

Plus dont worry naim has over the years had far more money out my pocket than any other hifi manufacturer that’s for certain.

Cheers dunc


That sounds good :+1:

Hey Dunc, I know you respect Naim gear and enjoy the love of music! I’ve seen your comments on the new 300:series and your hi hopes for them. Not sure why the other guy seems to keep picking at this thread. But I appreciate all comments you give Naim and other wise! Keep enjoying the music gear and please keep giving your opinions on the gear you have tried.
And we all know it’s an opinion and not a fact.
I don’t have near the level system you have, I just have a 202/200/ flatcap with a napsc and a pulse mini streamer and zen mini ps . And a modest rp6 with ortofon black and Naim stage line And I love my system!
But everyday I read about gear and research because I find it fascinating. Not sure why some people want to be so combative we are supposed to be enjoying this journey and sharing ideas!
Sorry to ramble !
Just want you to know I enjoy your insight.


Cheers sandman

I know quite a few enjoy, and a few don’t, but i am sure more do than don’t.
The new 300 gear is certainly more towards what i want from music these days over the old naim sound, and for me is a big step forward and i look forward to the next level to see what it brings.
There is just about always something better out there, but it’s only music at the end off the day.

I have slowly tuned my system over the years for max details, dynamic sound, as big a sound stage as i can get in all directions, but it also has to sound fun and not clinical. I believe i have achieved this with careful pairing off gear.

I also feel i have a very good understanding off naim, as i have had loads over 30 years, and gone up the range and almost went statement S1. So still feel i can help out now and again with answers.

I guess i will still be hanging around for years to come, hopefully. But i don’t post as much these day’s, but i still feel like naim is part off my family, and i might be back one day especially if the new 500 range does something special.

Cheers dunc


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