Vodafone sucks

Wonder how long the wait is @ 7p minute, you have to pay to complain ?

You can dial 191 on your Vodafone phone and that is free. Also 0333 calls are within your bundle In UK and so you wouldn’t pay for those in practice (they are charged the same out of bundle as 01 or 02 numbers).



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It sure does

I had a very similar experience. Left Vodafone because of truly appalling combination of poor IT and lousy customer service. Months later I got caught up in the “no charge” data SIM farrago. So that’s two of us. Do you think the other 3 are also Naim users? Are they targeting us? :slightly_smiling_face:

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So my daughter has moved out. Where she lives now has intermittent or no Vodafone coverage so she needs to move on to another network.
I have tried and tried to get her phone unlocked so she can buy a SIM only deal with another provider but it seems impossible.
All we do is get directed to the automated system which doesn’t work.
Even tried going into a Vodafone store but they can’t (won’t?) help…

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