Volume bug in latest Naim control app?

Just fired up UQ2 - anyway opening the iOS app - volume was at the level of the unit - not max.
Would that likely provide some idea on the iOS app?

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I’m sure they’ll find it useful for troubleshooting. I’ll pass it along. Thanks :+1:

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Beta testers will likely have a cross section of different streamers, first gen, second gen and NC.
Unable to comment further, in accordance with the direction given regarding beta testing.

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But they haven’t refused support. They gave me a case number and are looking into it. And they admitted to an oversight in testing rather than BSed me. As far as I tell, they are supporting the issue until they say otherwise.


The iOS 7.0 App was beta tested on NDS, NDX, Qb1 and very likely other legacy platform streamers. Why Naim would say it hadn’t been tested is a mystery, because it has. The beta testers have all sorts of equipment.

Also on 272 and SuperUniti, speaking personally.

Thanks folks.

If there’s a gap in reviewing Android functionality I’m happy to help. I don’t just complain! :laughing:

Hi All,
I’d just like to chime in and mention a couple of things.
Firstly, apologies for this issue - unfortunately it is a bug that has slipped through the net. In this case, we have already identified the cause of this one and are working on a fix that will be addressed in an upcoming update.

More importantly, I’d like to clarify that we do absolutely test the app updates against a wide range of older products. We still support all of these, and the app will support these units going forward.
For a little bit of a context, right here in the test office we have the following legacy units to hand (and many more in other offices if we needed anything else!):
NDX, NDS, 172, 272, UnitiLite, UnitiQute, UnitiQute2, NaimUniti, NaimUniti 2, Uniti2, SuperUniti, HDX and UnitiServe.

We make an effort to use different legacy products during each test cycle, so we’re not always using the same ones. I appreciate that these are still great sounding units, and we want these to last and provide enjoyment for as many years as possible!

Hope that helps clarify things a little. I will have a chat with tech support to make sure we’re all on the same page.



Excellent. I had every confidence there would be a solution emerging.

As to the other, yes, maybe best to ensure some internal understanding and alignment. The response I got was pretty unambiguous about not being able to test on older products but I consider that miscommunication a cosmetic issue and was sure the issue would (and was) be identified. The support staff replied quickly and asked for help to demonstrate the issue for them so overall I think it was pretty decent and efficient support experience.

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Hi Paul

Thanks so much for the post and clarification. Really excellent news.


Good to see a SuperUniti in there :smile:

Still a fab bit of kit, and we’re procrastinating on our office system direction, so it may be in use for some time!