I was using my Naim Nait 5si the other night, it was on fairly quiet and a mix of records, cd’s and digital music playing. From nowhere whilst playing a CD the amp just stopped. I didn’t notice it at first but when inspecting it I saw the volume nob LED was slowly blinking green. I’ve turned it on/off multiple times, left it a few days too but still the problem persists, that is, blinking lights and zero output on any channel.
I saw in a previous thread somewhere on here that it is likely a downed IC-
> If the unit is showing no signs of overheating & you aren’t running some really odd cables, this fault is usually caused by a faulty protection opto-coupler (common to S/Nait & Nait5i).*
> It’s a 16 pin IC that sits in the centre of the amp stage. Easier to replace in a N5i than SN2, but not for the faint hearted.
> A competent dealer should be able to sort it for you.
So, the question is, what 16 pin IC do I need, and where is it located on the board? Part of my job is to fix faulty phono amps which usually means replacing 8 pin IC’s but I have done a few 16 pins too. I’m able to do the job, just need to know what and where!