Wam show this sunday

As above going to make the journey up to this. Anyone else going from here ?
Very different hifi show and it should be a good day out.
If it’s good then maybe in the future i might even have a room myself, but that’s for another day.

Cheers dunc


Yep, I’ll be there.

I used to go back in the Glory Days of bonkers home-made horn systems at Scalford, but haven’t been in recent times. Hope it’s a good as it used to be. Either way, full praise to the brave organisers and exhibitors.

Worrying, my wife has decided to come with me. Not sure how she’ll cope!



I’ll be there.

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That would be very interesting.

If you decide to do it you should see if you can get Richard (and other relevant dealers) to sponsor you and your room.


Park in the car park at the front or to the right-hand side of the hotel, 250 spaces.

Disabled parking spaces to the left of the entrance.

Main road free parking also available, please be courteous to local residents.

Do not park in the car park in front of the Bannatyne Health Club on the right as you come in.

Next go to our show check-in desk in the large lobby and present your ticket at the desk to be scanned in and collect your visitor guide. This will be free HOWEVER we ask for a voluntary donation of £1 to our chosen show charity.

Early arrivals: the hotel will be selling tea, coffee etc. and breakfast food (TBA) in the lobby.

Getting Around

When the show opens there is one main staircase, next to the 2 lifts. Please use the stairs to get up
and down, leave the lifts free for those with mobility difficulties if possible.

Exhibitor rooms will be highlighted in colour on the guide. Food, drink, vinyl and other sales all on the ground floor.

We are looking into badges for visitors, more info here later.

You will be given a wrist band, please wear this throughout your visit. We will have event staff and
security staff patrolling.

Bar & Catering

The very large main bar to the left of check-in will be open by lunchtime onwards (exact time tbc).

Light lunch food will be available for visitors at the hotel. More information nearer to the event.

General Info

Please use the show guide this will have maps for each floor, exhibitor rooms will be highlighted. The
layout is much simpler and easier to navigate than Stoke 2022.

At the other side of the bar on the ground floor is the large Wilkes room accessible via a wide
corridor towards the ground floor toilets. This will have trade stalls such as 2x vinyl sellers (new and used),
accessories, and charity sales.

There are also 3 trade rooms on the first and second floor.

The show rooms bedrooms, open from 9:30am, are spread over floors 1 and 2. These floors also have public toilets.

Exhibitor rooms will open to the public at 9:30am and close at 5pm

Very nice day out yesterday.
Very well run and friendly atmosphere.
Also some very interesting kit on show and very different sounds as you went round the rooms.
The guy that made his own turntable arm out off a wooden spoon and yes it sounded ok, to a guy that had so many speakers and gear it looked like a Curry’s shop back in the day.
But well worth the 4 hour drive and well done to all involved.

I will add a few pics tonight as off to work now.


As always good to see @Dunc and his freind at the show and also @JagManStumpy.

I had a really enjoyable day going around all the different rooms some with weird, wacky and innovative set ups but all enjoyable and interesting.

With just one day it all felt a little rushed but managed to get around all the rooms.

There was an auction and raffle which raised around £2500 for a local charity.

Unfortunately there was an office/dressing table in most of the bedrooms (that you’ll see in the pics) that was a fixed peice of furniture that caused the exhitors quite a lot of trouble when it came to room layout and setting up.


Loving the bedroom system that is actually on the bed. :rofl:

That looks fun. May pop along next year.


You mean the sprung isolation device :wink:

It was definitely a lot of fun.

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Some music.

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Well lot’s off pics already up thanks to Yorkshireman.

The Revox was lovely
A pic off the wooden spoon tonearm


‘Now playing…’

Clearly not!

Were there any out and out faves?

My care home room in 25 years.



Not bad i guess?….it did look odd

Well done for posting all those great pictures. It looks like it was lots of fun, and certainly more fun than those mega systems at a standard show.

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Even better when freinds and family come to visit.


That looks a nice room, wish i had heard that……one from the heart.


Just noticed he’s even got his slippers on :rofl: now you wouldn’t get that informality at a corporate hifi show.


It was the first room I went into doing my “Top down” philosophy of start at the top and work down. I met his wife/partner who was sitting on bed on her own. Most of the stuff was home made/modified or repaired. Such a natural show by enthusiasts for enthusiasts compared to Ascot show full over overpriced/overblown systems from USA.