Web Search Engine for Records

Good morning! Are there any other platforms on the net besides Discogs where you can search for records? Is there a kind of web search engine for LPs? Does anyone know?

Musicstack dot com
Vinylnet dot co dot uk
Cdandlp dot com
These are just marketplaces rather than search engines for releases; the latter is discogs which also offers selling/buying.


I only use Discogs, but interested to know that there are actually others out there, I hadn’t even thought to look! Why do you ask @Tube3er?

I’m always on the lookout for alternative sources and opportunities to find bargains, especially if it’s possible with popular titles. I’m currently searching for an album by Andrew Roachford (‘Permanent Shade of Blue’) at a reasonable price. :innocent:

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Thank you!

Discogs is probably your best bet. Not sure about bargains though as many original mid '90s LPs can go for big money these days, doubtless because they were rare from a time when most were buying CDs.


I use Discogs. Successful for me, for both buying and selling, both for LP’s and CD’s.

Not the shiniest website, rather clunky, but works. YMMV… :expressionless:

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