What are you listening to in 2020 and WHY might anyone be interested?

I thought you’d been to it, Ewe. Must have been one hell of a gig!:clap::clap::clap::sunglasses:

A mention from Lontano earlier prompted me to check this out, Kenny Wheeler Quintet with an all star line up, Widow in the Window, fabulous album with the usual sublime recording and production standards from ECM, pity it’s not hires on Qobuz but still sounds excellent 44/16


It was the atmosphere was electric. The band British Lions (most of the old Mott the Hoople) were support but didn’t like them, don’t think most people did as we were there to see Bon and the boys.

The only other band that I saw that created that kind of atmosphere was the Stones. You felt like every seat in the theatre had been plugged into mains the place was that electric. There was about 6" of snow outside for the Stones gig and no heating on indoors but you were sweating like pigs.

Had seen them in 76 as well as I was in Edinburgh working at our warehouse helping out and a friend who worked for Polydor had gotten some free tickets so a group of us went along to the Leith Theatre. Another absolutely brilliant night.

They just loved playing to Scots audiences.

Still one the best live bands I have ever seen


Now playing…

Mathias Eick - Ravensburg

Mathias Eick (Trumpet, Voice), Håkon Aase (Violin), Andreas Ulvo (Piano), Audun Erlien (Electric Bass), Torstein Lofthus (Drums) and Helge Andreas Norbakken (Drums, Percussion).

Streaming on Qobuz (96/24)… kicking off this afternoon with Mathias’s ‘Ravensburg’ released in March 2018 and this sextet is sounding mighty sweet!


Great memories. Thank you for sharing, Ewe.


This, for me, is one of the greatest ECM recordings - so much groove. I remember buying this on release back in 1989 and then seeing this band play live at Ronnie Scott’s and being blown away by it. And then they play a couple of ballads that are exquisite. Well worth checking out…

Dave Holland, Steve Coleman, Kevin Eubanks and Marvin Smitty Smith.

Dave Holland Extensions


You’re spot on Tony, Bon Scott was the man. Imo they weren’t the same without him.


Just Finished…

Arve Henriksen - The Nature of Connections

Arve Henriksen (trumpet, piccolo trumpet, piano), Nils Økland (violin, Hardanger fiddle, Viola d´amore), Svante Henryson (cello), Gjermund Larsen (violin, Hardanger fiddle), Mats Eilertsen (double bass) and Audun Kleive (drums).

Streamed on Qobus (48/24)… continuing on this afternoon with Arve and another fabulous sextet and the music is sounding mighty sweet.


Now playing…

Arve Henriksen - Cartography

Arve Henriksen (Trumpet, Voice, Field Recording), David Sylvian (Voice, Samples, Programming), Jan Bang (Live Sampling, Samples, Programming, Beats, Bass Line, Dictaphone, Organ Samples, Arrangement), Eivind Aarset (Guitars), Lars Danielsson (Double-Bass), Anna Maria Friman (Voice), Audun Kleive (Percussion, Drums), Erik Honoré (Synthesizer, Samples, Field Recording, Choir Samples), Helge Sunde (String Arrangement, Programming), Arnaud Mercier (Treatments), Trio Mediaeval (Voice Sample), Vérène Andronikof (Vocals), Vytas Sondeckis (Vocal Arrangement) and Ståle Storløkken (Synthesizer, Samples).

Streaming on Qobuz (96/24)… continuing on with another album from Arve and this fabulous talented group of musicians and they are sounding sublime! This is one fantastic album…


Now playing…

Tomasz Stanko - Dark Eyes

Tomasz Stanko (Trumpet), Alexi Tuomarila (Piano), Jakob Bro (Guitar), Anders Christensen (Bass) and Olavi Louhivuori (Drums).

Streaming on Qobuz (44.1/16)… continuing on into the late afternoon with Tomasz Stanko and this sweet quintet and they are sounding fabulous!


Absolutely agreed. AC-DC died with Bon Scott in my view. Unlike @ewemon, I didn’t see them in ‘78, but saw them a year later in Hastings. It was a standing gig, at least on the ground floor where I was, but I remember Angus being carried round the audience on the shoulders of a roadie (or was it Bon?) as he carried on soloing on his SG. So much energy at that gig.


None of the post Scott albums imo came near the likes of TNT or Highway To Hell.


That’s true… But Back in Black still a very strong album.


Viktoria Mullova, ORR, Gardiner - Beethoven Violin Concerto.

Just playing this whilst considering buying the complete Beethoven set from John Eliot Gardiner, which includes this. I found a cassette yesterday on which I’d recorded what was then called ‘CD Review’, in which a review was performed of the available recordings of Beethoven 3 (my favourite Beethoven symphony, despite loving them all). His preferred choice was Harnoncourt, but Gardiner was sounding beautiful to my ears. Maybe I should buy both sets? But how many Beethoven sets does one need?


Marcus Miller - The Sun Don’t Lie - 1993 PRA / Japan CD / VICJ 5042

1 Panther
2 Steveland
3 Rampage
4 The Sun Don’t Lie
5 Scoop
6 Mr. Pastorius
7 Funny (All She Needs Is Love)
8 Moons
9 Teen Town
10 Juju
11 The King Is Gone (For Miles)
12 'Round Midnight - Japan Only Bonus Track

Only time to give one disc a spin on the system this morning before concentrating on other things so decided to play this. I was prompted by an email that arrived from Ronnie Scott’s to say that Marcus’s gig there in a couple of weeks time (that I have tickets for) has been shifted to July 2021 - so still to looking forward to seeing him again, even if it is now a year away. :grin:


Yes but imo it’s all down hill from there


Bert Jansch - Moonshine


You cant beat a bit of Billy


British hit parade. This month my nostalgic journey arrives in 1954. (It’s an age thing)