What are you listening to in 2022 and why might anyone be interested

The Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame
Released 3 November 1971

John McLaughlin - Guitar
Jerry Goodman - Violin
Jan Hammer - Piano
Rick Laird - Bass
Billy Cobham - Drums

John McLaughlin - born Doncaster, England, 4 January 1942

Happy 80th birthday today!


John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, Paco De Lucía - 1983 Passion, Grace & Fire

Happy birthday John McLaughlin!


Is he any relation to Foy Vance

Don’t think so, this guys homegrown (worth checking out). I’d never heard of Foy Vance until his stuff starting popping up here. Confusing.

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On CD:-

David Bowie - Heroes


I saw him that is Foy Vance not Vance Joy supporting Sinead O’Connor way way back in 2008.

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He’s in the news today, family seems to have sold the rights to just about all his music. Toy also been released on its own this month.

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On Friday 7th


No relation to 70’s/80’s DJ rock god , Tommy Vance, by any chance?


Following Dav’s lead and playing some Bowie.

Cat People the extended and best version imo, followed by Station to Station.




I’ve read that too. Had given some thought to the club but couldnt think of anything definitive

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Nice one Alan, your welcome. Will check that George Benson.
I’m waiting for Breathe to come, do check out All In The Mind as well
(Lou Donaldson - Alligator Boogaloo also features both George Benson & Lonnie Smith iirc)
Happy new year

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A band difficult to put in a box, but with creative music…

With below a review of Prog archives to give you a bit more of context on the album, Prog lovers should give it a try…

No Earthly Help

That is to say lyricist/guitarist/vocalist/impresario Perry Merritt and ZIP TANG side-kicks bassist Andrew Bunk plus drummer Fred Faller see little hope for lost souls in this day, in this age.

If I’m reading this concept album correctly, and hearing it for what it offers (a lot!), sweet Marie born to an abandoned addict mom careens from danger to disaster to death- unwatched, uncared for, unimportant.


Here’s an ace outfit from Chicago, USA creating eclectic progressive music, laying down four albums from 2007 through 2015, losing then finding a bassist (who really punches up the energy here)…and devoting some years to writing and perfecting this creative tour de force.


It reminds me of the ominous statement “Winter is coming…” from a certain epic series (books, TV)- the cold of public apathy, shelters that aren’t, families in name only, predators waiting the young and vulnerable, a shredded safety net.

So this album, utilizing poetry of brutality, neglect, and heedlessness- yet with the loveliest imagery, conveys the tragedy and horror of being seen as subhuman, or worse, invisible.


Somehow ZIP TANG welds together these poetic images with sometimes biting, sometimes hard driving, sometimes melancholic, sometimes symphonic progressive music.

And that gutsy, punchy bass guitar just propels it along.

Not to slight the guitar and synthesizer wizardry or the beautifully complementary, tasteful drumming. NO programmed drums can compete with a flesh and blood drummer using an acoustic drum-kit.

Plus the saxophone that wistfully, moodily weaves in and out bringing jazzy textures to the mix.

Synthesizers and keyboards bring sweetness and fullness.


Near as I can make it, Perry does the vocal work, utilizing his sometimes tender, sometimes raspy lead voice, then utilizing distance and closeness, and some fine harmonies as well.

It all works so well together. The tempo and mood changes. The flow of tunes. The images of dank bridges, menace, pimps and pushers and prostitutes, the little ones forced to survive no matter what.

Mother Mary

An apparition? A kindly spiritual presence that does not rescue but is always present and encouraging? A hazy drug dream?

Regardless of how you hear it, she’s key.

We are allowed to believe- to hope- that sweet Marie, punching bag, orifice, and human refuse, finds a home in the vast multiverse, the glimpse of stars in her eyes.

In Sum

Just all around wonderful eclectic progressive music with a conscience and a heart.

My Rating: 4.25 out of 5 poetic aspirations


Hi Clive, how did you get on with the Speakers Corner vinyl?

Didnt really float my boat that one, I found it more cheesy than funky, but who am I :joy:

They sent a replacement, which is better (i.e. centred and without any scratches), but sadly this time the sleeve is creased. It also cost me extra to post the original back as they didn’t send any return postage labels. So whilst the vinyl is ok, the overall experience was a bit tainted. It looks like Amazon has the SC version on there, so I think I’ll buy from there in future, simply because of the hassle-free returns policy and the fact that they send the replacement before you have to send back the faulty item, which means it’s possible to retain the better sleeve.

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I’m with you on that one!

Still available, of course being a tight wad who likes to wait for the price to drop, maybe not :wink:

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Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with SC from Pure Pleasure, not typical from them in my experience. Contact Jessica and let her know your disappointment

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