What are you listening to in 2022 and why might anyone be interested

Listening to Lump … not bad…give it a try…



An RVG selection


Get it direct from the psaudio site like I did. Think they still have copies at 23 squid + postage. The disc is limited to 1300 worldwide.


Just got home, saw your suggestion … … … order for the sacd confirmed with PSAudio … … … nice one, Ewen. :+1: :+1:

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Emm, I don’t have This Was @steviebee, so i must see what I can do. Oh yes give Aqualung another go, I must say for me its up there among their best. Sadly I don’t have an early copy anymore but I got the Stevie Wilson remix and I think its grand.

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David Scott - Departures

Not the best SQ here in Puglia, but Aurora in particular suits this pleasant evenings mood …

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Carolina Chocolate Drops - Heritage
CD rip | 2007



‘Ben Vol-au-vent - Parrot’ as Smash Hits used to call him.

Ohhh @Wren, Pink Fairies, now there’s a band from the past!! That takes me way back, oh my goodness!
Yes get the 3 disc set! I used to have them too but alas not for a long time, so I am now prompted to replace them. Great memories.

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Sorry. I can’t get it…

It’s on again. I must say I’m not a fan of the art work, to me it sort of looks like an ad for Snoopy. Or maybe I’m missing something. But the content is outstanding!


That is a very good thrift store find Dr. Mark


Dream Theater | Images and Words | 1992
This is its 30th anniversary and it’s been a very long time since I’ve played any prog metal from DT, the opening bars and chords of Pull Me Under got straight into my head just before deciding what to listen to and post here.


Poor old lead singer Ben Volpeliere-Pierrot had his exotic-sounding name made erm, more understandable :grinning: for the Smash Hits readership. He’ll always be Mr Ben Vol-au-Vent - Parrot to me.

He wasn’t the only one: Billy Idol was Sir Billiam of Idol; Paul McCartney was Fab Macca Wacky Thumbs Aloft; and even David Bowie was made a Dame.

Some good writers for that magazine back in the day - Tom Hibbert, Mark Ellen and Neil Tennant (of Pet Shop Boys fame).


Thanks, Steve. Especially for 50 cents!

It can take some time and work to sift through all the junk at these stores, and one must inspect them carefully (which is still no guarantee) but overall I have been pleased - lots of classical stuff and “easy listening” as these are likely from older people (the kind I am becoming) passing away and relatives bringing in their old records. If you want to know where to get some Monotvani, Henry Mancini, or Bert Kaempfert I can point you in that direction!

I have also now realized that anything in good condition that is even a bit desirable for some demographic can potentially serve as “currency” to obtain credit at the used record stores.

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Your last paragraph is particularly interesting Dr. Mark and is not something that I would have imagined, more fool me. Obviously.