What are you listening to in 2023 and why might anyone be interested?

2007 Remaster of RDM on CD rip.
Even after a couple of espresso’s, the old heart- rate’s staying remarkably low. :laughing:


Richard Wright

Broken China



This is going to play havoc with my NAS streaming library when I down load the Hi Res of Wet Dream later - either it’s Richard or Rick

Blooming Pink Floyd when I was a lad it was Dave Gilmour now it seems to be David Gilmour. But at least he was consistent on the album covers.


I fear you’re right.

Had high hopes this project would result in some good new streaming versions of the Dan canon:


Not much evidence of that here, sadly.

Wonder if anyone on the forum has bought the download and can advise if that offers a serious uplift in SQ?

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p.s sorry there’s no download, seems vinyl only for now

I am sure there are people here who will say they can hear more air around Walter Beckers trousers but the Steely Dan Hi Res reissues to-date have been a huge disappointment if you have already ripped the CDs.

I have said it before I want a job in Hi Res - it can’t be that difficult to do nothing or make a worse recording.



Getting my freak on with a recent Roon curated playlist.

Radio Europe 1989. Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson

For some reason I don’t think I’ve heard this before and I’m only part way through. But what’s not to like; Hunter’s lyrics, Ronson’s guitar.


I saw them on this tour at the Dominion Theatre in London - Dogs D’Amour were the support act.

I’d written a bit, that I deleted, bemoaning the fact I never saw, and now not likely to, Ian Hunter live (had tickets to see him once but was unwell so didn’t go).

I did wonder if any had seen them on this tour. Hope you enjoyed it.

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Hope u sort it out……before launching you streamer service with 15k plus albums😂

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There was a time pre Spotify when I was ahead of the game and an album collection meant something - now it’s all there on Qobuz etc.

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Yes, but you can’t skin up on a digital file. Not even hi-res. :pensive:


I like the black top plate on the LP12. (Apologies if I have remarked on this before!)

LOL - to be fair the Hi Res version of Gaucho is a cut above the CD. But it’s the only one to date.

Shame really 'cos they’re just about the only major artists whose entire catalogue I would happily listen to back to back at any time.


I see the Gaucho Hi Res is only £3.69 in the current Qobuz sale (if you have the sublime Hi Res discount).

Steely Dan - Pretzel Logic


Would be attractive had I not given all my money to a builder.

Qobuz streaming and the occasional glass of Sauv Blanc are the only pleasures left to me now ;

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On Vinyl:

Yellowjackets Parallel Motion / 2022 Mack Avenue / US CD / MAC1196

Russell Ferrante Piano, Keyboards
Bob Mintzer Tenor Saxophone
Dane Alderson Electric Bass
William Kennedy Drums

The day after their outstanding gig at Ronnie Scott’s, giving their latest a spin.