What are you listening to in 2024 and why might anyone be interested?

Super chilled jazz, nice


I arrived with In Rock & departed after Machine Head pausing only to see them Live sometime during that period. Happy days.

Wonderful Rich improvised jazz.


Stephen Cummings - A New Kind of Blue.

He had a bit of success with a band called The Sports, they’re probably best known for Who Listens to the Radio a single that got a lot of airplay in the 80s (in Aus).


Great album I’ve got it - Sports were a great band

David Gilmour new one is good as is Nick Caves new one :+1:

I noticed that in the new releases this morning, I’m a bit suspicious of Mr Gilmour but I’ll give it a listen.

Especially for @Bevo and in the interest of fairness. Mr Gilmour Luck and Strange. :grin:


Definitely worth another listen, his family have helped improve his lyrics. :grin:

No doubt will sound excellent on the NC complete 300 series that Harry has waiting for you :crazy_face::crazy_face:

I’ve got a lot things waiting for me. Unfortunately at this stage that’s not one of them. :rofl::rofl:

Ha ha :frowning:

Waking up to Fleetwood Mac Mirage

Edit: I had honestly forgotten how bad this album was🤦🏻‍♂️


More I listen to Gilmours new one the more I like it

Mind you always like his stuff

You’re a bit late we’ve been up for hours. :grin:

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Giving it a first listen now Pete after stopping that not very good Fleetwood Mac album🫤

David Gilmour: Luck and Strange


That can’t be my fault you could have tagged it play next.

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Mrs Q just said, “This is not very good”…:face_with_peeking_eye:
I can’t decided whether I agree or not?!

Have to be in laid back cruise mode for this one

Dirty Three “love Changes Everything”

3 guys out of Melbourne including Warren Ellis from the Bad Seeds

I like it

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Well that doesn’t help it’s not on Qobuz.

Obviously you need a cdp or turntable :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face: