What Audiophiles say to confused Normies

I can recite this in my sleep😀

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Nothing I say confuses non audiophiles because I intentionally only talk about music and never hifi. When prodded a bit by an acquaintance or colleague, sensing that they want to see how bonkers I might be rather than real interest, I give short answers as if I think the topic is boring and change the subject.

About the only exception is when I once told Mrs. FZ, “we cannot not have a rug in front of the speakers. It sounds so harsh that way I won’t even listen to it.”

Followed by a change of subject.

Never ever talk about this stuff unless asked and even then avoid it if possible.


That’s exactly the approach I take as well fz. I don’t know anyone else who is the least bit interested, and that’s fine with me.


Same here I don’t mix with audiophiles or Naimees. I only know 2 people that own anything made by Naim and they just listen to music.


Outside of intentional communities such as this one, in 35 years I’ve only met two people I would describe as audiophiles (in the loosest sense of the term). One was so painfully shy it was challenging to have a discussion about anything.

The other I only became aware of because his wife mentioned it in conversation. When I told her of my long running interest in analogue audio she quickly changed the subject, mentioning that hubby wouldn’t want to meet because, he being a lover of digital, I would very likely subject his choices to some withering, condescending judgement.

I certainly wouldn’t, but nor would I have the energy to navigate a conversation against that kind of headwind.

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I think most philes of anything have the tendency to be boring. I never considered myself as an audiophile as my electronics are just the conduit to my music. If anything I’d be a musicphile (or whatever you’d call them).


I definitely don’t consider myself an audiophile - per the Alan Parsons quote, an audiophile is more about the gear than the music - but it seems the label gets attached to anyone who takes more than an average amount of care (and/or money) to get good sound in their living space.

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That would be “Since I’ve Been Loving You”. Ancient Ludwig pedal with a metal link.

Ahem. Anyway, back to the jokes.

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I take this approach when asked what I do (or used to do). “I work in IT” then change the subject. :blush:

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I have my own built “weeping willows” (coined by en Englishman funny enough) And always get asked what are they and how they work. Explaining the speakers are actually a musical instrument and have 6 modular ports, port clothes, and string inserts is a pain, but I do get asked. I usually just explain that music have a vibration to it … which can be as important as that actual audio.


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Ditto, the only discussions I have are with the one other person I know with the same interests, and in places like this.

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