What beer are you drinking and WHY might anyone be interested?

You would probably like the Pie and Vinyl shop in Portsmouth too!

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Indeed - every pub should have one. Despite my entreaties Lady BC was adamant no it’s healthy eating January - did manage to negotiate another round so partial result.


Grain beers are lovely

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On Saturday, I was fortunate to have the steak and ale pie at our local. My wife was less hungry, so settled for a sticky toffee pudding. All this was accompanied by a couple of pints of Loch Ness Brewery, Saazi-Ness. I think the healthy-eating January bus must have failed to stop by us; but then, we had just completed a 10km walk with no lunch!


Back to the Bitter Suite in Lichfield after Xmas. The Listers was very good.


I wish this pub was my local. The pub up the road from us rarely has cask beer on so I hardly ever go. Not a proper pub!

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A pub without any beer on tap is a bottle shop. :grin:

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Served in the wrong glass


A Young Henry’s Newtowner IPA no a hot and stick evening


Adnams Broadside - bottled – on draught is better but finding it is a challenge. Dark ruby red ale.

I must enforce a 2-bottle limit (6.3!), as it’s so yummy. If not, nap time comes pretty quickly.


Bitter Suite, Lichfield.

The Blonde and the Blanc were both excellent.


Sainsbury’s Winter Warmer - bottled (5%). Described as a fruity beer, with fruity fig notes. A Hall & Woodhouse product. Not overly tasty to my palate, was expecting something more robust – although Broadside is a tough act to follow. Maybe the bottled version suffers a tad?


I often find bottled beers inferior to cask versions.

Agree – many bottled versions are good, albeit chilling them down is required to de-excite the bottle, meaning you have to pour and leave to stand for 10 mins, or you just get that ‘cold taste’. I don’t follow the trend for ‘cold beers’ (not just lagers) from the pump, which extends to Guinness too.

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Only an Old Speckled Hen but much needed after a very full on week


Enjoying a pint of Entire at Ma Pardoe’s in the Black country. Moving on to Bathams brewery tap at the Vine in Brierley Hill later.


Finally getting round to my 2023 Vintage Ale by Fuller’s while watching Vera…


Very disappointing news from one of my local area breweries, today.

Their Wolf is one of my favourite dark ales…well, ever.

I suspect, given the climate smaller breweries are operating in, that they are unlikely to be the last to make such an announcement.

Profoundly sad.




Things are tough when breweries are shutting down, most of the good ones here get sucked up and ruined by the major players. Shame.

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Happening everywhere unfortunately.

Since they’re closing anyway, you could ask if the Wolf’s recipe could be disclosed, then you could try brewing it yourself :wink:

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