What Comes First Looks Or Sound Quality?

That’s the same set I have, but found someone recently who has a 3 book set, but it is paperback.A s said before “truly warped”. I think everyones favourite are the two polar bears standing by an igloo with a huge hole in the roof and the bear saying "love these things - crunchy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside.

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I like the one with the cows standing on their hind legs (and possibly smoking - I forget) and one says car and they all drop and just graze on all fours til the car is gone


I managed to pick up a dieter rams designed t-1000 radio by braun, and just picking it up is a chore. It works somewhat (fm) and I doubt anyone can refurbish as they are incredibly complex. But the design still holds up, although this one, like many is missing the front cover which dropped down and just got in the way for the most part, so they were often removed (darn-it).

I agree completely. My home “decor” is a hodge - podge of things that I find appealing, it would never make for a showcase room, but it is completely liveable Chances are, unless completely hideous I would have no trouble finding a place for something with great sound

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One of the things I find puzzling about many designer open-plan houses. One magazine out of place and it looks untidy. I prefer something that is more lived-in - and yes, you are right; things then fit in without clashing with those that are there already.


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