What do Naim do best?


There have been no updates to the NAC 202, 282, 252 and 552 since they were first introduced to the market 18 or 19 years ago and people are still buying them. A testament to the appeal of these gear which have stood the test of time. The NAP power amps are also very good although they were revised with the DR update not too long ago.

You could well argue that the pre-amps were also revised and upgraded by virtue of the DR upgrades to the pre-amps (remember that the 552PS DR is part and parcel of the NAC552).


are DIN and RCA connections non standard?

Naim always put the music first.

what Naim do best is offer no compromise - all out performance related hi-fi

there is simply no hi-end manufacturer with the range or products that Naim offers nor with the single minded pursuit to put the music first.

Thank you for that Naim - I got no problems paying for Naim products as the servicing and willingness of the factory to support us is legendary

yes expensive, but worth it.

With the Muso range, it’s a lot easier financially to get into the Naim sound.


…Naim makes me s-m-i-l-e :slight_smile:

I remember very clearly my reaction when I changed my Linn amp to the XS2… the :smiley: was back!


Haaaa… I said exactly the same answer to my friend.

Emotion. End.

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Produce an addictive sound that combined with an improving graduated product line ensures that our bank balance is never as healthy as it should be.

Have they stopped selling all but the statement?

Amazingly the poll shows it wrong. ND are definitely best followed by power amps. It can be argued that preamps overall are past their bedtimes IMHO.

Whilst that is my view unless you have analogue sources, much of what I’ve read on the forum seems to indicate that NAC is key to getting the “Naim Sound”?

Maybe still a missed opportunity then to make the Naim sound even better.

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