What do you Audiofiles spend on your TV as a comparison?

It is indeed very good my latest purchase

We are both retired and our children have long flown the nest .
We have not owned a TV set for over twenty years .


My TV cost the same as one of the interconnects in my system.

Good poll but I’m bemused at the assumption that we watch more TV than we listen to music.
I watch TV about 2% of the time that I spend listening to vinyl.

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I was forced into entering the new tv market prior to Christmas when my 10 year old Panasonic plasma went pop (literally) I was amazed at how far the new smart tv technology has moved on and ended up going with a new fully loaded 49inch Sony which at £849 cost about the same as a second hand Powerline and 2 runs of Witch Hat Phantom speaker cable so pretty good value imho

Both my TVs cost less than my SL speaker cables.

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Of course this is an audiophile forum, but I guess it shows that generally people have more of a passion for audio than AV, and there isn’t a great overlap. I wonder how passionate people get about their AV setup on AV forums. Do they have the same partner arguments about high costs of cables, are they forever thinking about upgrades and improvements to the levels we do on here.

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I have a AV system in my lounge room that we use all the time. I run my second music system through it (Atom) when streaming music but i probably wouldn’t be in a rush to replace it if it packed it in.

By the way I pressed the wrong button when voting and selected 10-20% when it should have been 0-5%.

I believe you can change your vote :blush:

For myself, I’m considering dropping my TV package as since I moved into my new house because with my Naim and Focal system I really don’t watch anymore. Plus, I need the serious wifi package apparently to stream Hi-res from Qobuz? I’m…as usual a tad confused about that…but…point being…to me the TV is really unimportant now. But I detest action movies, pretty much anything major studio. The brilliant sound with movies today is usually in the action movies, so I’m not interested. And any concerts I can stream and listen through my system. Bottom line: I just upgraded from an Atom to a Nova. That’ll use my current available entertainment funds.

I suppose a lot of TV can also now be replaced by Internet Browsing, with the ability to focus more on your interest rather than watch a 1 hour program just for a small section of interest

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Yes streaming and the internet has revolutionised the way I watch TV I would say 95% of my TV is watched using either catch up or on demand via my MacBook it does only have a 13" screen but the picture is crystal clear. The only live TV I these days watch is sports.

Funny you said this @Adam1. I had a movie surround sound system in my younger days and gave it to my parents when I moved out. They still happily run it in the family room. Just last week I was there and put on surround sound mode and my better half complained about this horrible echo she was hearing because she wasn’t sitting at the ideal spot but happen to be close to the rear surround speakers.

I tell my folks and friends I have an ultra old school 2 channel stereo system in my house. :joy:

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My main system (pictured) is linked to TV via the optical cable, but cost a tiny fraction of the HiFi. In fact the Apple TV box was probably nearly the same cost. But linked to the 272/555DR/250DR/Fact 8’s it is fantastic for movies, which is what it mostly gets used for.

Sitting down to watch a broadcast at a set time is a thing of the past now. Probably watch ‘live’ for Sport, Oh and Le Mans was great during the LMP1 Hybrid era with in car footage coming through the HiFi!


So to summarise, the Audio fanatics amongst us are not in the same way married to their AV setup. It does drop off more quickly than I would have guessed.

Many thanks for all your contributions, it’s been very interesting.

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That’s a really good point. With the move of more aspects of our lives to subscription models the lines are definitely blurring.

Wonder if Naim would start offering their kit on a non traditional purchase basis?

Av sound and picture are as important to me as Hi-Fi sound so I spend around the same on my TVs as I did on my Hi-fi separates

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Fully professionally isf calibrated panasonic fz802 65 inch oled. Sublime. If I could have afforded the 77 i would have.

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