What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

For Saffron Burrows……. no, for David Suchet…… no, for Jurgen Prochnow…….no

But for the last sighting of English Electric Lightnings, front ends chopped off to create the Tiger Claw’s star fighters…… oh yes :grinning::+1:



Indonesian kung phoee job directed by a Welshman.

The evil drugs baron operates atop the tower block so the police go into bring him out. But,as you might imagine all is not what it seems.

Dark,violent with much grunting,fighting and the odd crushed skull.

My description could not do it justice but even,at times,the mean spirited Bradshaw in the Guardian gave it a full four stars.

£2.00 bluray from Magpie but streamable.

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Lord Buckethead is trying to take over the world.

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Do you have a streaming source ? I can’t find it anywhere. I would like to believe you have a collection of these wonderful oddities.

Sounds like an ointment for hemorrhides.

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Clive has a house just up the river although I bet he has a few more in rather warmer climes.

Comic book, Play station whatever but incredibly well done.
Giamatti makes a fine villain whose wife phones him at the most inappropriate times.
Clive with the necessary assistant helps a pregnant woman and ends up having to care for the infant.

Belucci describes it as trash James Bond. Which is fine as the last Bond took me three attempts to get to The End.

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Watched this last evening, Bill Murray was excellent. Great fun film :popcorn:


I’d heard that this was a dud, but having watched it (with my niece, who like me is a fan of the first three Indy movies) I can confirm that this is indeed a Grade A stinker, further confirmation of Disney Lucasfilm’s descent into agenda-driven cinematic incompetence.

So, what makes this picture such a mouldering turd?

  1. It’s way, way too long.
  2. Nothing makes sense: the script is non-existent.
  3. Harrison Ford is way too old for this kind of role, and he doesn’t look remotely interested in what he’s doing here anyway.
  4. Shoddy editing and hack direction.
  5. Indy himself and a couple of cameos (including the always brilliant Toby Jones) aside, the characters are all intensely dislikeable.
  6. An over-reliance on CGI effects, which are rubbish in any case and deeply unconvincing - quite laughable in places (especially the early scenes with a ‘de-aged’ Indy).
  7. Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Why does this insufferably smug, unfunny and untalented woman keep getting work? What’s she got on Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger? Feebly Waller Smugg’s ‘girlboss’ character in this movie is just so awful as to make the picture unwatchable whenever she’s onscreen.
  8. It’s boring, low on action and thrills.

No wonder it bombed at the box office. What a waste of $300million!

Avoid, especially if you’re a fan of the earlier pictures; this makes the godawful
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull seem like Citizen Kane.


Just to be clear, that was a ‘like’ for the extremely spot on comments, not for the awful film.


Crystal Skull has become quite a reasonable junk telly watch imo. I mean there’s very little that’s good about it in isolation and it’s clearly a class or more down from the original/first three but it sort of passes the time while you’ve got other things you could be doing but can’t be arsed.

This however has no redeeming features whatsoever, it’s just laughably p*ss poor.



Last night we watched The Lesson, courtesy of CinemaParadiso.

A good film that held the attention throughout, but ultimately it frustrated because it could so easily have been a great film with a bit more development of characters and themes. Overall though, a recommendation.

Very good summary of this awful abomination to the Indian Jones’ series. Well done Kev.

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A rather beautiful, well shot and well observed film, Past Lives. A film focussing on a relationship, showing what used to be, what it is now and what it could have been…very touching.

We watched this over the weekend and I agree it was rather a lovely film.

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At his age he should be doing ads for retirement homes and Tena underwear.

Not racing round the world pretending to save it.

One for the thread of knowing when to quit

Choice of 2 Blu-rays for tonight’s viewing just delivered.

I’d go Hawley….I was at that gig !

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We missed this when it came out, but made up for it a couple of nights ago. I thought it was great, beautifully shot and very well done.


Some friends of ours invited a few of us round to watch that film on their projection TV screen and the rather straightlaced lady of the house hurriedly stood up as a particular bedroom scene started unexpectedly and said “who would like a cup of tea?” Then vanished until that part of the film was over!