What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

That has to be one of the best musical opening scenes I’ve seen.


Yup! The sound track builds the tension and you just know something extraordinary is about to happen. Mark Isham.
My sort of cinema but I could understand others finding it a little tasteless.

Chacun a son gout :drop_of_blood:.

Yep, agree with all of that, especially after the rather painful and near borefest that is Masters of the Air…

Makes me want to rewatch…

I have been meaning to check out masters of the air, sounds like I haven’t missed much but I’ve taken note of your recommendation for “we’ll meet again” as Susannah York was unforgettable in the Battle of Britain!

How so much money can be spent on a series covering such a terrifying, yet electric and momentous period and set of events in history to produce something so dull and full of factual inaccuracies is a set of skills in themselves.

Of course I haven’t seen WMA since originally broadcast. It may not have aged well! Still, as you state, Susannah York…

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Re-watched Dune Part 1 as refresh before part 2’s release… hopefully the next chapter will have a better balance between the ear splitting volume of the incidental soundtrack and the dialog but I doubt it.



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Firstly,do not be upset by the divisive opening credits.

Two intertwined tales of slow burning vengeance. One reality the other a novel.

Adams, a rich and successful art curator,but unhappily married to a philandering husband.
Gylenhaal,her first husband who felt badly abandoned by her.

He writes the novel and sends her the proofs. Seeming to know the effects it will have.

Michael Shannon as the dying detective puts in a very fine performance. Tom Ford writes and directs with skill.

Bluray purchase but on Prime.


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Started watching this a few days ago thinking wtf is this crap but it’s actually not that bad if you can get past the first 30 min or so.

Introduced my 23yo nephew to this 1980 classic:


An hour long humane delight.

And you can play spot the turntable, shiny amplifier and hunt the speakers whilst you marvel at this collection of acting skill.

Sally Potter in crystalli monochrome.


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The first stab at directing by one Joseph Losey and a very fine effort. Story by DaltonTrumbo.

Van Heflin schemes to get into Ms Keyes underwear and husband’s bank account. We will call it almost noir as you know he will cop it in the end.

Print not upto 4K standard but quite watchable.

On Prime.

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Until last night, I’d never seen Chris Morris’ 2010 picture about a group of inept (but still deadly) jihadis in Sheffield. Glad I did as it’s very, very funny.


It is hilarious.

Shouldn’t be but it is!


That’s our viewing for tonight sorted! :grin:


We watched this last night.

I thought it was just wonderful and fully deserving of all the awards it’s picking up. I’m pleased we watched it at home though, because at three hours long we needed a wine and wee break halfway through.

