What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

Well, it’s Blade Runner month, so why wouldn’t I watch it?


Yes, #metoo!


The Searchers BR

This is one of my favourite films and one that bears re-watching. It opens very decidedly in the middle of a narrative, and one that is never explicated. Ethan, the lead who is as much the antagonist of the film as the protagonist, arrives ‘home’ at his brother’s ranch and is swooningly welcomed by his sister-in-law. These welcoming scenes are wonderfully handled, including the soon to be kidnapped Debbie angling for a present.

There is no simple mindedness in the film. As objectionable as Ethan can be he also is very knowledgeable and certainly knows his enemy, as he undoubtedly thinks them and not without reason.

The relationship between Martin Pawley and Laurie Jorgensen is wonderfully handled, and brings much of the warmth and humour to the film, as well as an exceptionally hard hitting moment when she supports Ethan’s intention to put a bullet in Debbie’s head. Nothing soft or dewy eyed here.

The Indians are portrayed in a number of guises, but are as straightforward as they can be murderous. The duplicitous are fellow ‘civilised’ folk seeking the reward money.

This is a story of people molded by a hard land and a hard life. The only slight misstep is in the teenage Debbie speaking in an American accent with wonderfully applied makeup and plucked eyebrows, a movie constant!

My original DVD rip has a softer picture, colours and grain. The audio is mono and serviceable.

This is is better, with well saturated colours. The crawlies, whilst reduced, are still present.
The film has been restored and nicks and blobs have been removed.
The movie was filmed in VistaVision and the framing of the BR is wider than the DVD.
Audio (DD Mono):

Yes, the BR is certainly better and this is a great film, as such I m glad to have it in the best form I can. However, if your view is that this is just another western then you may well be happy with the DVD.




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Brilliant movie desipte the fact that it’s a romantic comedy. I really like stories ‘what would would happen if…’ I was a big fan of ‘the man in the high castle’ not long time ago on Prime.
I bought the blu ray version of Yesterday just to see the alternative begging and ending of the movie but have to wait for my daughter to come back from the university for the Christmas break as she wants to see this with me some will watch it in December. Movies like that are excellent way to introduce an ‘old’ music to the new generation.


I wasn’t sure how much I was going to enjoy it, but thought that it was very well done. I know it’s a RomCom but the story was interesting enough on its own. Thought that it was very good and the two main characters were enjoyable (if that makes sense).

Not massively ‘challenging’, but a good, light and fun film!

Have loved this for a good few years after catching it in late night tv quite a while ago .

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Stan & Ollie on DVD

This is strap-lined as ‘The untold story of the world’s greatest comedy act’ but it isn’t, in that it’s set primarily around a tour of the UK in their later years when their stardom is on the wane (no spoilers). It’s not a fully embracing biopic, so if you’ve expectations of understanding how L&H rose to fame and how their relationship was forged then you’re going to be disappointed.

This said, it’s a nostalgic look back to the days of touring acts and what happens as the lights fade on their careers. The ribbon of comedy running through the film is very entertaining, with excellent performances from the 2 leads.




I like the fact that a certain George Smiley makes a brief appearance in this most excellent film.



By accident also watched this last week, quite ok…

Classic excellent film and good picture transfer. The narration is far too loud compared the to general dialogue. Doesn’t anyone test these movies before releasing them? Love Joe Pesci in these gangster films. Has to be one of the best actors of all time.



Each to their own.

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Yes, but I think my favourite JP film is ‘My Cousin Vinnie’.

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