What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?


just watched get carter . pretty brutal film but very enjoyable , poignant ending


Probably one of my fav’s. Watched it in the last couple of days. Reminds me of how pure acting superseeds everything else (unlike today). “You know, I’d almost forgotten what your eyes looked like. Still the same. Pissholes in the snow.”

Did you notice that the guy that get’s him is in the train carriage as Carter goes up North?

Suggesting they had him taped from the start.


The Hireling - 16mm Film


And just around the corner from my office. Managed to get into the multi car park before it got demolished and managed to create a 360 panorama, as well as lighting the whole car park before the bulldozers went in. Class movie

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I hated the book though I really liked her Seabiscuit.

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It was never going to end “They lived happily ever after” , I thought it was rushed and some of the scenes in the last episodes seems inspired by Islamic State executions. I found the last episodes very disturbing

The Battle Of Winterfell was a masterpiece , meant to be seen on a big screen and not on some iPhone

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absolutely adore pale rider , saw it at the cinema when i came out and must have seen it 20 times now . i know it by heart !

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this was quite good when i saw it yesterday


I gave up after The Battle for Winterfell. The issue for me was that once they ran out of GRRM material they fell back on standard tropes and made stupid mistakes; I would love to know where the White Walkers sourced that industrial age massive link chain from for instance. The well thought through intrigue and proper timeline just failed once the book material passed; it felt to me that the show runners were unable to rise to the challenge and became bored.

I am aware of the ending and it could be delivered well, but needs time and space for the corruption of power to be seen to work on the characters.

I decided to wait for the books to be written.

I get what you are sating, but still felt that they did quite a good job of closing out the series. But I think we are also touching her on a topic for many series, it’s quite difficult to maintain a high quality level across the whole show and keep everybody engaged without repeating one-selves.
I saw this also with Vikings - which was a great series as long as Ragnar was part of the story. Since then it lost it’s quality, while I still like to watch it…

The Foreigner - Netflix

Jackie Chan plays an aged father who’s daughter is killed as collateral damage in an IRA bombing in London. Pearce Brosnan is a ex-IRA politico in Northern Ireland trying to track down the rogue cell who carried out the bombing.

The film is built on intrigue and action, and does so surprisingly well. A certain amount of leeway must be given to find Chan believeable, having been running a restaurant for forty years, but I found it drew me in and I enjoyed following the twists and turns.

Worth a watch.

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A very long time since I’ve watched this so I thought I’d treat myself to a Blu-ray version.

Ok, it’s indulgently slow-paced but what a wonderful piece of movie-making. A serious piece of sci-fi where the emphasis is on (predicted) authenticity, eg the silence of space, the lighting, even a zero-gravity toilet features.

I remember seeing it first in the cinema very many years ago and the storyline inspired me to obtain and read Arthur C Clarke’s books. What a talent?

I can see me digging out the sequel, 2010, quite soon.


In a Kubrick mood here as well:


