What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

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She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

John Ford, John Wayne, Monument Valley and a plethora of familiar supporting character actors. These ingredients gave us The Searchers, but this is not in that category. I must have watched this as a child as when the bar room brawl happens I remembered the scene, but the majority of the film rang no bells at all.

The aspect of the film I enjoyed was the portrayal of US Cavalry patrolling, something that was also done very effectively in the 1970’s in Ulzana’s Raid. Unfortunately the story that is wrapped around this was to my mind pedestrian, as the characters themselves were rather two dimensional; and this is where The Searchers is just SO much deeper, and it was fun to pick the actors who appeared in both - although NO Hank Worden.

OK for a slow Sunday afternoon.



Courtesy of Cinema Paradiso, we watched The Biggest Little Farm on DVD over the weekend. An uplifting story that will hopefully inspire many to do likewise. Only problem is, after watching the film, you want to know a lot more about it…


Beside the fiction about immortal warriors this is quite watchable action movie if you like the genre.

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That Hamilton Women

This is a powerful piece of cinema, which undoubtedly includes a prominent thread to help stiffen the sinews of a country at war; however, it steers remarkably close to the truth of the historic events. Lady Hamilton was of inestimable help to Nelson and her country when in Naples.

It is somewhat looser with the home arrangements when the Hamiltons and Nelson returned, in that they lived together. It is also, perhaps, somewhat kind to Lady Nelson and her family.

The retribution lavished on Lady Hamilton by society for her transgression of societal norms is made plain at the beginning and end of the film.

Superb cinema told very much from Lady Hamilton’s perspective.


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@MrUnderhill Vivien Leigh is fabulous in that film. Apparently it was also Churchill’s favourite movie.

Yes, I much prefer it to Gone With the Wind, which is a fantastic performance but of a less than sympathetic character.

Not a film per se but an eight part season. Not up to the standard of the mainstream channels but an enjoyable watch, albeit full of clichés and occasional unintended laugh-out-load moments.

Last night we watched The Good Liar on DVD, courtesy of Cinema Paradiso. Any film that stars Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen is likely worth watching, and that was very much the case here. A tale of greed and deception, it’s not quite a triumph, there are some plot and pacing issues, but it’s still a gripping watch.

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A friend of my sister wrote the book here. Apparently they were a bit disappointed with the film but had signed away the rights. My wife and I enjoyed the film after a trailer that seemed to just portray it as a jolly jape.

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Don’t Look Now


What a great film. One of the few that rewards repeated viewings.

A few years ago on a trip to Venice I decided to track down the church Donald Sutherland’s character is restoring. San Nicolo dei Mendicoli is a bit of a walk but well worth the visit.


Surfing Amazon Prime for anything to watch. Surprisingly better than I expected.


First time I watch a Filipino movie - Maria. It’s about a retired assassin who revenges for the killing of her family. Quite decent action movie.

The Coldest Game, Netflix
7 days events during the 1962’s Cuban missile crisis.

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Most enjoyable - great cast and all round good acting.

HMV have come back to their senses and put the Premium Collection back to 2 for £15. Picked up this little gem Alien meets Twin Peaks meets Alien Nation meets Bladerunner.


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The Decline, Netflix
A survivalist training in a remote camp turned very wrong.

Great film. Really enjoyed it so thanks for the recommendation @IvoB