What DVD, Blu-ray or streamed film have you just watched?

I love Animal House; dead horse anyone?

But, I do agree that a little, done well, goes a loooooong way.


Otis My Man !!!


See if you can guess what I am now…?


Its just one of those movies you can watch time and time again !!!

The trailer for the new Dune looks really good.

Yes it does !!!

I am hoping no ‘modern’ politics is injected into the story. I believe this will be part 1 of the story. Apparently V is due to start some planned additional shooting.

Fingers crossed.

Just been reading the ‘new’ novels, not a patch on Frank Herbert’s prose or subtle grasp of politics, history and human interaction.

Thing about Animal House is, that it is strongly anti-authoritarian, which adds to its appeal and why it hasn’t dated. It was also probably the first of those “gross-out” comedies, and these things are usually best first time round.


My memory of this film was that it was mediocre but with a few moments of excellence but had a hankering to watch it again so picked up the DVD at my local HMV. Turns out my memory has done it a disservice. I think it’s great - up there with the best U.K. films of the 1960s.


@Steeve you might like this -


You can toggle the tab above each still and get a then and now pic.

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@AndyP Interesting, thank you. I guess many of the areas were established areas of London so haven’t changed as much as one might have thought. I noticed the modern-day lack of council tree pruning though in Capture 18!

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I enjoyed this film; Storm Boy. Finn Little just about steals the show from the Pelicans…

And then I watched Dark Waters. I preceded the film by reading the New York Times article “The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare” (available to read online) so had some idea of what to expect. However, even if you already know the story, it’s well worth watching as Mark Ruffalo excels as Taft corporate lawyer turned private litigator, Rob Bilott.

Chilling stuff, and if you think those affected are just limited to communities in West Virginia and Ohio, think again…


Taking advantage of new TV, new Blu-ray player and having all the films available to do the whole of Star Wars over several nights.

Having endured episodes 1 and 2 earlier this week, matters are starting to improve with the second half of episode 3 tonight. Rogue One tomorrow, then on with the ‘classic’ trilogy.

All other criticisms aside, John Williams’ extraordinary musical achievement across the saga comes through especially strongly when watching the whole thing like this.



Just watched this for the first time.

Great film almost, but not quite, spoiled by the last few minutes of pretentious guff. I mean why stick that on the end of it? Just leave it with ‘Shergar’ wandering off down the road.


As co-incidence would have it, I’ve just finished watching that. Bardem’s performance is pretty chilling.



And that haircut is really scary.


Glad to see it was Dolby Vision when the picture popped up. Great picture with beautiful tones, although it was pretty grainy. Still, the 4K reveals a picture that was distinctly 80s. Tight crisp grain. I never get tones in skies on any other source, except my 4K player. Sound was excellent. Yes, cheese galore, but I do like this film. Great fun and iconic.