What Fragrance do you use

I have a shower at least once a week wether I need it or not. :grin:


In the summer I usually cool of in our salt pool and have a cold outdoor shower afterwards, but sometime slip to leave the salt on the skin. Hot showers for me in the mornings.

Yep a swim in our local pool and a shower later in the day. The pool is mineral (no chlorine or chemicals) leaves my skin tingling all day.

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For the last few years this has been my choice :

Mrs. M. is using the Elle version, so we are a good match in this regard, too.

Never seen that one before. I will try. :upside_down_face:

This was suggested by a friendly and knowledgeable saleswoman after Armani Black Code, my previous favorite, was discontinued. By pure coincidence, the owner of my favorite Hi-Fi shop uses it, too.

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