What I’ve noticed

The more hifi shops i go to or the demo’s i attend I’ve noticed as soon as they ask me what do i run and i say Naim Nap 500 52 blah blah they seem to give up on the sale. Its very noticeable. Think I’m special :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Here’s a thought, do you ever clap out loud after you have been listening to your system ? I do offen :blush:

It’s the mana which frightens them.

Consider telling them that you’ll want to go streaming.

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Ha ha, most of the time the streaming wont connect or it’s down. Just
Atrociously boring sounding even when it does work……


With the AUS/NZ market currently in a state of paralysis they’ve probably got nothing to sell you other than a move away from Naim. Otherwise they would no doubt be suggesting the obvious such as a 552, speaker upgrade, or probing to see if you are a potential Statement customer.

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I suggest the legend lives long. Yeah sure Naim have dropped the ball big time to the point of it is embarrassing to back them over here, however the gear is still really good and hard to beat, particularly the none dr kit…….

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Then you’ve got or have tried the wrong streamer/DAC.

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Nope, haven’t heard one that does it for me, not to say it doesn’t it exist.

I can’t say I’m looking for it too.

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Try avoiding saying “blah blah”!

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Only when I’m a around autistic people

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