What music goes with time of your day?

In different part of the day my musical needs are not the same. In the morning i like to listen to classical music, with fresh ears, to enjoy to tonality of instruments. In the day, pop and rock music, doing chores, or when i do my workout. At dinner time, its jazz all the way. In the evening depending on the mood, jazz, progressive rock or prog metal. What’s yours? :nerd_face:

Most of my day I take to radio, so varied selection, later in the day would be rock music inc. Symphonic rock, and late evening would be for the likes of Pink Floyd and similar. At no time would i entertain bubblegum pop or the ‘music’ generated by mr S. Cowell or the like, that’s just a waste of several thousands of pounds of decent equipment!!

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Radio 3 on my morning commute (around 0640-0720). On the way home, either more R3 or a CD or USB stick if that’s not to my taste.

Jazz in the evening is often a good default, though small chamber classical can be good too.


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There are some listening patterns that occur in our home.
Sunday mornings are generally Opera for instance and Bedtime Tunes are invariably Classical or Jazz.
The rest of the time is very much how the mood takes me/us. It also depends on whether I’m listening alone or if I have company from either Mrs QS or friends. In these cases, unless I’m showcasing something new, I will usually defer to the preference of my company.
When alone however, Prog, Blues, Blues Rock, Rock or Metal are the general genres that occur more than most others.
I have also developed a weakness for pop princesses lately, such as Mikey Cyrus, P!nk, Taylor Swift etc, but these are usually played in binges and then drop from the playlist for a while.
So, in answer to your thread’s question, I don’t really have much of a predictable daily cycle…:man_shrugging:t2:


:joy: i agree! Pop is from Spotify playlists, and i tend to be more rock.


:joy: Taylor Swift and Rush on the same play
Iist …and my system would shut off on its own…loll Sorry QS! Haha


Not likely to be played in the same listening session…:face_with_peeking_eye:

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Wagner is probably best for night, when sinister things are about.

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I’d never even considered there to be time of day for different types of music! I simply play what I fancy, and at any time of day it could be anything from heavy rock to opera to chamber music to prog rock etc, the only considerations that might influence are who else is where in the house and do I have enough time to play whatever in its entirety -no good starting a 2 hour opera with only an hour and a half available. I only listen to music radio in the car, and that rarely, so virtually all I play is selected from my collection (no playlists) unless I fancy seeking out something new.

That said, I listen to music far more later in the day than earlier - simply because music is for relaxing and there are always things to do.


Exactly the same!

I must confess…:joy:. She’s on my album playlist, really talented young woman. As Lady
Gaga and Billie Eilish.

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