What’s the longest burn-in period you’ve personally encountered?

What’s the longest burn-in period you’ve personally encountered and on what piece of equipment ?

And an ancillary question - were there products you encountered with much less of a burn-in period than the longest you’ve experienced ?


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Hard to say. Being very busy with work and kids, when I get a new component I just leave it playing low 24/7 for a couple weeks. A bit louder in the daytime with the door closed. By the time I have a chance to listen, a couple hundred hours have passed that I wasn’t there for.

Now I have a soundproof living room I can leave things blasting all night. So I’m never sure what point something “came on song” (gosh I’ve come to hate that expression).

I suppose my first pair pf PMCs were difficult. But the whole system was new. 3 months to mellow out.


Kudos Titan 707’s seemed to take an age as has my NAP 500. The amp was good out of the box but got better. The speakers however were initially awful and I really thought I’d made a big mistake.

My own. I’m seventy and not yet fully operational.


Thats burn out Max, not burn in.


Tellurium q interconnect, took ages and was at times awful. My new preamp with a tellurium q interconnect is also quite variable in sound at the moment


I’ve had my Nova since 31 January, and understood that after run in it would be at least as good as a 222/300/250. Ten months later it’s still not got there, which I image means that it needs more run in. It’s quite a lot longer than I expected.


I’ve never experienced burn-in :man_shrugging:

Everything I’ve bought sounds the same from the first time I’ve used it, allowing for some time for it to warm up. Though I’ve never owned any Naim kit from new, so maybe that’s the reason.


The longest burn in for me was with the PhoenixNet switch. 2 weeks 24/24 and several weeks later listening around 15 hours per week. I would say around 500 hours.

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I’m a bit sceptical of burn in times with electronics.
I understand speakers loosening up as they have moving parts & suspension compliance will change from when new.
I understand & do hear warm up periods after power off times as components performance change with heat.
I accept some changes from brand new, going thru a few power cycles etc, but how long is a ‘long burn in period’ ?
When do you know when the burn in has reached its end point ?
Then to add complications, how does growing familiarity with the new equipped play a part, what about atmospheric changes, how do you reconcile power supply variations.


I’d really appreciate if this thread did not go down the road of the phenomenon of burn-in - that’s been covered.

I would just like to learn from members what their longest burn-in periods were and what products were affected.

If we could avoid the “what’s your favourite car? - I don’t own a car” thread scenarios I’d much appreciate it.



Three and a half months for my NAC 552. It had been very good - but not life-changing.
The change was bizarrely sudden - and permanent.



I put a Powerline on HG ultrasonic cleaner. The Powerline must already been pre burnt in to a large extent. Those LPs came out blacker than black. Inky black. Night and day difference. Looking forward to seeing if that is it, or there could be more to come. Black hole black perhaps?


Problem is: without a clear understanding of what burn-in means, we could all be talking about different things making comparisons meaningless.

When I swapped my Auralic Vega G2 for a Linn Klimax DSM with Organik upgrade, although I preferred the latter, the Vega was a pretty close second. After about a year, I had occasion to swap the Vega back in temporarily and found it completely outclassed by the Linn. Had the wiring in my head changed or was it burn in? I’m not sure, but if so, it could be as much as twelve months.


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Mine was Hi-Line. She took some working out…:eyes::thinking:

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Here we go, all the old myths. Over the first few days/weeks - perhaps more with speakers, moving parts etc - no doubt things improve with use, but I again ask the question, and no one’s ever answered this, how do you account for and verify changes? Do you listen to the same piece of music at say weekly intervals, keep copious notes, review certain aspects, how the notation flows, a particular counterpoint or key change, and then factor your own response and mood, and how it’s impacted by caffeine intake etc?

I once read 9 or 11 months for a ND555 - really??!! Sorry but after a few weeks if it doesn’t sound right, urm ‘ere you might have made the wrong choice.

Oh yeah the biggest load of b———-s I ever heard was from a car dealer. I took a 12 month old Vauxhall Vectra out for a test drive and didn’t like the way it drove, it had done 13,000 miles. When I got out and thanked the dealer very much but wouldn’t be buying he said “you have to remember the car isn’t used to your style of driving, after you’ve owned it for a couple of months it will settle to how you drive”. My late wife couldn’t hold back from laughing!


Indeed, but that’s all been said before

I’m interested in for how long and what components were involved.

Is that a crime to slightly paraphrase Sade?



No not all, and I think, at least in part, I answer the question, most likely speakers because they’ve got bits that move. It may have been said before but if you’re going to assess something, you’ve got to have some kind of measure/methodology, if a component sounds better after say 6 months, were you still listening to Bach or had you moved on to the White Stripes?

Sorry to say Lindsay, but you are out of topic. The question of the OP is not if you believe in it or not, or how you can verify it, or are there or not theories on it.
Just: your experience and with what component that took the longest burn in.
If you haven’t experienced burn in or don’t believe, maybe just not respond. If not others will join you and the thread will close, as often.