What’s the most exotic speaker I could use with a Nova?

The SHL5s are actually a 2-way speaker with a (almost inaudible) ‘super tweeter’. But honestly, 40 replies are really too many for such a question…

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Very true, though it was later clarified thus:

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Interesting, I hears some Sonus Faber Olympica Nova I speakers a while back which sounded absolutely amazing.

Possibly the nicest sound I’d heard in a long time, gobsmacked when I realised they were being driven by an Atom.

Ask a silly question etc, I took it as a bit of fun. He rather ruined it with his qualification, B&Ws ain’t fun in my experience.

What he said referring to headline.

Still no explanation what “exotic” means ?

Coconuts are (were) exotic. Also pineapples.

Some types of dancer are exotic :roll_eyes:


Special on the outside and special on the inside. Simples.

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True. When the ND555 was released I attended an official Naim dealer demo which used some large B&Ws. I suggested to Jason Gould that they should have brought some SBLs with them :grinning:

We might share the view Nigel, that this thread is a bit of a roundabout, so I don’t hesitate with a slight thread diversion. Your detailed wording brightened the thread! I always like you posts; nice sometimes to understand a different point of view.
The term “copacetic” is one I have never seen, despite reading, including newspapers, a good deal. It seems it is an infrequently used America slang word, iiuc. Made me smile, I recall you occasionally mention Europe and travels; I don’t recollect mention of across the pond in your posts?
We can all put together strange combinations of kit, what I think then happens is we can convince ourselves and then try to do the same with others, that we have found something magical which is anything but….what’s the word, another fish I think?
Hope you are keeping as well as you are able. Best Rich

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Thanks for your kind words. Copacetic is rarely used but I like it. I got it from Tom Waits’s song I can’t wait to get off work and see my baby, which is on his Small Change album from 1976: ‘your loving is a rare and a copacetic gift’. It’s good to use slightly different words I feel.


To balance things a little, I’d like to stand up for B&W and Naim pairing.

I have heard the Nova with a few different speakers and I love my B&W pairing. I find them lively and engaging, but with good depth and punch.

I have heard two demos of the new 300 series kit at my dealers in the last few weeks. Once with B&W 804 D4 and once with Kudos 707. I much preferred the presentation of the B&W. I found them so emotionally engaging, light on their feet but full and natural.

Basically, all this just supports that people’s tastes are different and we need to let our own ears decide our preferences. The OP has B&W 805s, so presumably enjoys their presentation. I bet they sound cracking with a Nova and I look forward to the OP reporting on the findings.

Absolutely. Now a second thing I have learnt from your good self, an unknown (to me) artist. I have speaker and streaming while travelling, so I will take a spin.
I have to “read” lyrics, which I rarely do, since I have to see rather than hear, in understanding, so I doubt I really know the words to any favourite songs; good visual memory, hence no linguist.
Oh the punctuation; always looks sort of wrong and spot on, of course!

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You don’t know Tom Waits’s music? Wow. He’s a genius.


I will hopefully by the end of the week!
Of course, it does take one to know one, but then I can sincerely offer that; you couldn’t possibly comment!

And not yet reached my translation site.

Maybe I should search more on the Green/White Exotic Soursop pictured above, perhaps Naim were inspired by this when changed logo color.

What’s the most exotic speaker I could use with a Nova?

The one you can afford…

See here for Tom Waits lyrics


It means from a foreign land. So most exotic presumably means from most foreign, which could be furthest away as I suggested in my last post, or perhaps the most different culture from the OP’s.