What’s the most exotic speaker I could use with a Nova?

A brand new pair of QUAD ESL57s would be a perfect match for a Nova. They are still being built, to order, by the former German importer, QUAD Musikwiedergabe, who bought all the manufacturing gear when the QUAD factory in Huntingdon closed.

You can, within reason, specify your own choice of grille and wooden endplate.

They’re amazing loudspeakers, I have three pairs in my ‘big’ system.

Try Sonus Fabre G5’s they are sublime with Naim gear. Exotic and beautiful presence as well. I’ve run them on my main and second systems and they’re very revealing, musical and not the least fatiguing.
Spendor matches well too but are hardly exotic so to speak

Given this statement, it’s a bit puzzling as to why you asked the question you did in the title, as clearly you’re not interested in exotic speakers, despite suggestions people have taken the trouble to offer in response…

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