What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Originally bought this Nait 2 intending for the office system, but now being promoted to power the main rig.


I really would like to get one of these but they’re like hens teeth in South Africa.
Hope you enjoy yours daily :blush:

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Kudos X2 recently arrived, just running in.


Lovely grain on those, congratulations.

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Kind of Blues is my favourite album. I use it quite a lot to benchmark my systems since I love it and know every single note.


Ordered a PLiXiR Elite BDC power supply for the Telegärtner M12 Switch Gold;

This power supply is a massive improvement compared to the switched-mode power supply the switch comes with according to other Telegärtner M12 Switch Gold owners.


Oh my giddy aunt


Which version, i know they do a special for routers and switches?

I don’t understand why a 6k switch comes with a common SMPS. But it’s cool that you still can improve it. However for the price of that switch, it’s curious.

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You can choose the version you want on the PLiXiR site so I ordered this one from my dealer;

There are also verions with different voltages/cables for Melco, SOTM, EtherRegen and Silent Angel.

Same can be said about Naim and their power supplies in a way…

6k? In France?

OK thankyou that was what i wanted to know. Are you in the U.K?

No, BE.

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I checked, it’s 4K euros. I will not debate, prefer let you enjoy the upgrade.

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Don’t know about the specific SMPS that comes with this switch, but do realise that linear always being better than switching is a myth. Both have their pros and cons and it all depends on implementation. See for example how the well reviewed Benchmark AHB2 uses an SMPs.

Let’s see first if Drikus linear ps , which he ordered, will improve vs the SMPS of the Telegartner switch.
If the improvement is very significative, we will have our response.
But yes, I agree, some SMPS can be of very high quality.
My experience with those on Unitserve and Etheregen switch gave a big upgrade with an additional linear ps.
So let’s wait and see for the one in the Telegartner.

@budmoto @frenchrooster - Quick update on the new speakers.

The first night I was happy with them but still a little underwhelmed and unsure if I’m honest even though they showed promise but the next day (yesterday) I had a listening session where they really shone from start to finish and I was able to see there full potential.

Although they’re good at lower volumes (like I had them on the first day) they really came alive as the dial was turned up slightly higher like I tried on the second day.

To be fair to the speakers Linepulse from Sasha’s “Scene Delete” album is a very difficult track for any speaker to handle so it was a little unfair of me to mention it.

Anyway today I switched off my Naim kit that sits in the corner of the same room and WOW what a difference that has made.

When I switched the Tube amp on today I heard the slight hum from the Naim boxes change sound so I had the idea to turn all the Naim stuff off.

Taking those three transformers (2x Nap 135 and a Supercap) off the mains circuit has totally transformed the Tube amp and the speakers into a different proposition/realm altogether.

I had already reached the point yesterday where I felt really happy with them but today they have been on another level altogether in facts several levels above.

There presentation is a bit like having headphones on in the way they convey sound, they are very clear, precise and articulate with really good bass but they’re also soft and pitch perfect and never fatiguing or harsh although the “soft” part possibly has to do with having a little help from the Tube Dac and amp.

And they’re surprisingly good at electronic music like The XX - XX album 2009.

So I’m really really happy with them, in fact they’ve taken the system in exactly the direction I was hoping for.

Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker just sounds amazing on them.


Awesome to hear and so happy for you…thanks for the update and wishing you many hours of listening pleasure :grin:

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Good news. Let us informed in some more days, after more run in.
It begins very positively :+1:

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