What was the last concert / gig you attended?

We attended the last night of JazzMi at Conservatorio di Milano, yesterday 5th November 2023, with Hiromi’s Sonicwonder.

In preparation I had listened to Hiromi’s music and learned a bit about her music, which she says doesn’t need a definition. But in one word I would say she is fast, very fast.

Hiromi at piano and keyboards, Hadrien Feraud at electric bass, Gene Coye at drum kit and Adam O’Farrill at trumpet. It looked like a very diverse team and I would give a special mention to the trumpet of Adam O’Farrill, he was better than perfect all night.

Fast it was and in some moments incredibly fast. Very enjoyable and we were appreciative of the effort and speed. I would say the drum solo was a bit slow in comparison and I really do not get these drum solos everywhere that add very little (sorry for being a bit hard).

The place has a special acoustic that in my opinion added to the performance, very good sound from the place we were seated, not very close to the stage.

We then strolled to take a taxi in Piazza Duomo and going through Milano a bit late completed a very, very good night.


I’ve been listening to her new CD multiple times and I was glad I did so… it made me appreciate how much all the musicians improvised. I do agree about Adam O’Farrill, a great performance. On the other hand I feel Hadrien Feraud was a bit overshadowed overall (I think it was because of the acoustics).

About the concert hall acoustics: I perceived a strong reverberation which made the sound less enjoyable from my point of view (mids weren’t clean and some highs were too strong). I don’t go to many gigs, but I was expecting a cleaner sound (of course not like a studio recording).

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We were there, truly outstanding gig, young Percy’s new band very impressive, and wasn’t it managed well all running to time and decent sound, very difficult to achieve when you so many changes of gear for the multiple performers. Great that Bert’s music is still well remembered.

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Agreed - so often these celebrations with lots of artists are a disaster but here everyone had a genuine connection to Bert and it showed. Really well run (hats off to the technical crew) and great compering by Stewart Lee ( apart from the completely unnecessary use of the c word at one point)


From your picture I see you were seated to the left of the control table, we were to the very right of same row (more or less, a bit closer to the stage).

It looks like we were luckier with the acoustics, I do feel that center position in these kind of venues have usually a worse sound.

Thank you @Rafael for pointing that out. I was expecting the acoustics to be better around my position, but as I said before I don’t often go to gigs, I can’t compare concert hall acoustics and have no experience. Have you been many times to the conservatory? What would be the best seats in your opinion? I would have loved to experience such concert at the Blue Note for instance.

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Conservatorio di Milano has a few seats reserved for students, teachers and staff. They are in two groups of 6 or 8 to the very sides, a bit closer (5 rows or so) to the stage than where we were sitting. They say the acoustics there are excellent.

I also find the Conservatorio is a very dry place and there are a lot of noises coming from the stage, the more evident the closer you are to the stage. This can be good or bad, depending on the day.

The Conservatorio is also a light spectacle, as you saw yesterday. Sitting further away improves this experience, so it is always a compromise.

If I could, my choice would always be one of the first rows.

The Blue Note is a completely different place, and I agree that Hiromi and the band could have been more at home in there.

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Thank you for sharing your experience @Rafael, I’m taking note if I ever come back to the conservatory for another concert in the future. When I tried to book the concert, first raws where all locked from the very beginning.

By the way I hope next time to go to the Blue Note, it’s more my kind of place for jazz concerts. I had a look at the shows, there seem to be some great ones. Unluckily most of them are during the week (good for you as you live very close).

Samara Joy (who I think is very appreciated in this Forum) is at Teatro la Bolla on 18th November.

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I only know her name, I should dig into her music.
Thanks for your interest, by the way no tickets available!

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I’m informed by friends I trust that Samara Joy is utterly brilliant live - better than her recordings (which seem pretty nice already) apparently.


She was just here in Chicago at the Orchestra Hall. My neighbour went to the concert. I did not even know who she was. :upside_down_face:

Boy she is popular I see!


Agreed. I saw her at the Apollo in Manchester on Monday 6 November and the performance was excellent. It was among the best of hers that I have seen over a period of more than 30 years. There were plenty of old favourites but the 6 tracks from her new album were also very well received.


Robert Plant’s Saving Grace featuring Suzy Dian at Southampton Guildhall last night. We had the privilege of third row seats at this great gig.
His voice is still amazing . As is Suzy Dian’s. A fantastic intimate show featuring virtuoso musicians. Just wonderful music played by a group who were clearly both relaxed and inspired!
I first saw Led Zeppelin in 1975 and was transported back to that watching RP on stage.


Natalie Merchant, Dublin, 3Oymplia for a 24song set, some 2.5 hours of music


Todd Rundgren, Colston Hall, Bristol, 1975.


1975?! :flushed:
Bet he was good back then tho. Initiation tour? Or was this Utopia?

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You haven’t been to a gig since 1975…:flushed:
I was 10…

Focus at Trading Boundaries in Sussex


Live jazz at my local. The Ignition Taproom is a microbrewery on Sydenham High St and is a social enterprise that trains young adults with learning disabilities to make and sell the (excellent) beer. Once a month there is free live jazz of really high quality organised by local musician ( and Ignition supporter) Rory Simmons. He is a trumpeter and instrumentalist who has several successful bands and also plays trumpet for Jamie Callum. He has also worked with Blur, Bat for Lashes amongst many others. This evening he had with him an amazing saxophonist called Zhenya Strigalev. Brilliant night