What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

Most of the list is just the way things are generally, but I do think you have to beat the fish!


Not just me or my Luddite bias for green lights then :laughing:

In term of wow for poundā€¦.

And that bottom pairing is not any sort of compelling option for the price, considering the alternatives for Ā£14k both used and new. nDAC/555 preferable with a good transport.

In time we might try to hear (non naim :astonished:) other front ends into a 332/350 setup. I suspect the 332 and 350s would reward the better source.

Pre and power are quite simply excellent.


Fish get fed before I do :astonished:


Sure agreed
Thought the 350ā€™s were sublime and the stole the show when I did the 300 series event recently.

For non Naim, you really should find a moment to look at what Innous are doing at the moment :wink:

Youā€™re next then. :flushed:

Letā€™s see if we can bring the topic back on track to the question of adding the nDAC to the ND5 XS2.

A minor update from here, still no DC1 cable. I ordered a new one three weeks ago, and this week expected delivery was updated to ā€œbefore the Christmas breakā€. It was suggested to me that there is currently no stock and the waiting is for a new batch to be or being produced.

In any case, that would be another few weeks of waiting, so I cancelled the order. I found one pre-loved at a dealer abroad via the auction site. It will likely be here in a few days, exciting!


I donā€™t blame you for canceling. Thatā€™s way too long to wait. I bought mine second hand as well. Absolutely no issues at all. Itā€™s not fragile like the HiLine.


I have added the ndac using a Richard Grant BNC cable, thought it would get me up and running then maybe at a latter date try a DC-1, no rush enjoying the new addition, seems to be settling in nicely.


Yes I had that same thought, good you like the MG cable.

From abroad you canā€™t order directly on his website though, you have to request a shipping quote. Since I got no answer for over a week I figured he might not sell to Europe. So I had already ordered the DC1 when he did reply. It saved an extra expense for a temporary cable and it looks like I will have all things soon now anyway. Got three other cables to try out as well in the meantime.

After a while listening to them separately I hooked up the nDAC to the ND5 XS2 with the first contender, a no-name BNC cable from my neighbour. I believe it came free with a satellite dish. It introduced a horrible glare, sibilance and a lumpy bass, yet even that cable evened out reasonably pleasant after a few days. Will now try the others and meanwhile Iā€™m really curious what the DC1 will bring eventually.


Forgot to add that she didnā€™t realise the cost is per monoblock :grimacing:


Itā€™s a tricky one for every audiophile, if they donā€™t tell their other half how much things cost then if they unexpectedly die they might sell things off cheap not realising the true cost but if they do tell their other half they might unexpectedly die - What a conundrum :rofl:

I had a look at the price of the Full Statement last week, Wowā€¦


Ah well I am never going to divulge ā€œthe dealā€ but the cost after px was attractive

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Only to very good friends you know you can trust :wink:

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No. Specifically asked not to by the dealer so no doubt I paid more than the next person :joy:


One more attempt to get this thread back on topic, as the used DC1 cable is now in the house.

First reaction connected cold out of the box: Blimey, what an incredible difference! Digital is now on par with the LP12, with even a tad more resolution. This will be fun as it settles down.

Longer version:
The ND5 XS2 on its own is a very nice machine. A lot more coherent than several of the budget streamers I listened to. All the Naim traits including the rhythmic drive are there, and it has a quality build. Its sound profile is somewhat on the bright side. It puts percussion right in front and vocals more in the back, and occasionally itā€™s a tad rough around the edges. Music feels ā€œfastā€. Thatā€™s with CD-quality input either streaming or ripped CDs on a usb stick. When using it for Spotify the streamer just boxes everything in from poster to postcard size, and then presents that nicely. A good first step.

The nDAC, ah well that is something else. The impression that stuck in my mind is ā€œclassicalā€. Sound now has a concert hall scale, you have to turn down the volume as there appears to be simply more sound. Individual instruments and voices are portrayed with a scary life-like quality, especially when playing a WAV-file from a usb stick. Pace of the music appears to slow down. When using it for Spotify via an iPhone thereā€™s no impression of boxing in just a nice representation without any harshness. The sound profile is very dark, percussion is all the way in the background and vocals right in front. A good buy, quite a special machine.

From the descriptions above there could be an amazing synergy using the two together, in theory. As I was waiting for the DC1 cable I hooked them up using several digital cables I could loan or try. In that situation the synergy didnā€™t quite emerge.
Enter the DC1 and from the first notes it was clear Naimā€™s own digital cable is the magic ingredient. The theoretical larger sum of all parts is now there in spades. The Naim PRAT, slam, yet a lot of refinement as well, more resolution, sort of an analogue quality to it. Everything nicely balanced front to rear. Also the perceived volume and the speed of the music is in between those of the two separately. This is now simply a streamer that comes with two boxes and a cable as one package.

Knowing the NDX2 well this is way more satisfying. I always felt it needs the XPS to shine, just as to my ears the SN3 that it is often paired with needs the HiCap DR to become a ā€œwholeā€. And then youā€™re on a very different (price) level outside of my budget.
So, with the caveat that in my opinion the DC1 cable is essential to pull it off, I can now vouch for this combo. And thatā€™s just the first impression, will report back after a while.


What other cables have you tried that didnā€™t work for you? Iā€™ve had a couple of DC1s and sold them both as I found cheap cables that performed just as well but which I could order in a suitable length rather than the standard 1.25 metre that is all Naim offer.

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Nice write up! Iā€™m using mine without a PS at the moment and everything sounds lovely.
I use a Mark Grant cable, very nice quality and you can ask for any length, a DC1 isnā€™t long enough for my setup.


A 2-meter BNC cable that came free with a satellite dish, a one-meter Mogami 2964 cable off Amazon and a one-meter Chord Clearway on loan.

I had 3,5 weeks so plenty of time to ask for them (and will all be returned) and just let them be in the system hoping to be amazed, which I now finally am.

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Great writeup! Iā€™m happy you are happy!

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Thanks for getting us back on track, very informative post, looks like money well spent.