What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

This is what we love about our nDAC - that smoothness of sound you’re finding. But detailed.

Just very easy to listen to.

The bass profile is what many describe as the “dark” sound of the nDAC. Our current loudspeakers are not bass monsters, so the combo works really well.


Thanks for explaining I wondered what “dark” meant when I read this thread is nice to now have a sound to put to the description.


I add my 2c to this thread. I’m also using an nDac and have not decided whether I’ll buy it or not. I’ve compared it to my bare TEAC VRDS-9 (same cables, all lavenders with various terminations) and the TEAC, with its 4 x PCM1702s, is not easy to beat.
To me, the pluses of the nDac are:

  • More true, natural timbres
  • more defined soundstage
  • slightly more dynamic
  • a less assertive sound.

Its minuses:

  • lower and narrower soundstage
  • a less ‘exciting’ presentation.

I still have to understand if the pluses are enough to balance the minuses, but for sure it’s a worthwhile addition (not yet an addiction).
I have nSats, speakers that excel at a wide, high, opens soundstage. The fact that the nDac narrows things down a little is my only regret.


Something to note in this case is if you have a PS hooked to the nDAC. It can make a hefty difference, or so I’ve been told.

I use the nDAC to replace my XPS-DR’ed CDX2 and have not experienced it yet, as I’ve not played it unhooked from the XPS-DR. I might, just to muck about, but it could very well bring an end to the negative points you made. I personally don’t experience a lower and narrower soundstage whatsoever, but to be frank, I also upgraded my 282 with a HiCap and changed the 200 to a 250, so a lot changed there as well.

I do feel that, when giving people your experience, it helps to be transparent what exact setup is used for the box and if you have experience with the upgrade, what changed :slight_smile:

I don’t mean to say your reply isn’t helpful, good sir, but just that some context could help understanding what it could do for a system

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I specified that I have a TEAC VRDS-9 and nSats. And what cables.

The amp - a Nait 5 with a FlatCap2 - was the same in both configurations so I don’t see how exactly it makes a difference about my experience.

As for super-powering the nDac I think I know all about the matter. Many share the opinion that an nDac performs at its best with a 555PS. In that case, the cost of the Dac would be multiplied by a ratio clearly exceeding all good sense. I am talking about a bare nDac in comparison to a 22-years old bare TEAC CD player with no costly super PSU added.

Is my experience less valuable because it doesn’t match yours? I don’t think so. This whole forum is about subjectivity. The only objective parameters are the price tags of the appliances.


Calm down, friend! I didn’t intend to come across as rude and I apologise if you felt I did :slight_smile:

Your post I replied to was mainly specifying your TEAC VRDS-9, which is the beasty feeding the data to the nDAC as a comparison for it’s Digital to Analogue Conversion duties. I know that from context it could imply that it was not using any PS whatsoever, but in this day and age with so many different configurations, it just might seem prudent to imply it was ‘bare’. It just makes it that bit simpler for comparing to other people’s options they might have.

I also didn’t at all mean to invalidate your opinion, but it feels like you feel attacked, which, again, I truly didn’t intend to do! I was only wanting to add context to the whole matter that, if you do have a PS or might be willing and able to add it (at a later stage), it could change things.

If course the forum is about sharing experiences, which is the exact reason why i wanted to add mine in, which could help someone in the same situation I was in a couple of weeks ago.

The context was there in my first post. What an nDac could do for a system is totally room and system dependent. I specified what my experience was. I don’t feel attacked, I feel misread, or not thoroughly read.


I didn’t misread, I think we’re just talking past eachother a bit.

My point here was, that in the abundance of options there are in the Classic Naim line-up, explicitly stating no PS was used might be necessary and relevant. It might be more so for folks that connect more to their nDAC, such as a streamer- and CD-transport or a gaming console.

Again, your experience is completely valid, I was simply trying to add my experience in the mix as well, that adding a PS might well change things. Since we’re on the Naim forum, upgrading is very common place, even more so with the NC being released and more Classic coming on to the second hand market.

When the NDac was first released there was some significant fanfare from Naim and on-board well known publicists, that it could be a device with universal appeal outside/other than those with all in Naim systems.
In fact there was some that didn’t feel it was an upgrade over the NDX and a little later the CDX2 with spdif output.
Even a bare well sorted NDac will send a huge amount of source information that will depend ultimately on the ability of the pre amp stage.

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I totally agree. But since an external PSU is not mandatory but, in fact, an upgrading accessory, I didn’t think it necessary to specify the absence of an accessory. I would have underlined if it had been present.

BTW - an expression like Calm down, friend might be usual where you live but in my culture it may be considered aggressive and, yes, a bit rude.


Day 2: can be summed up by this thought “Honestly I can see how we all end up on the upgrade merry go round when a single box can change things this much how are you ever supposed to guess what will sound good together especially when everything including the room interacts?”.

I don’t want to gush too much too soon but I will say that right now music sounds more cohesive than it has since I started climbing the ladder.


It’ll do that to you. Just take your time and re-enjoy your favorite albums and tracks “for the first time :-)” . When I got mine I was in shock at how long I could listen to music until late at night with no fatigue.


Well it’s been a week and honestly I’m so happy. I feel like I’ve been trying to balance a set of scales and now don’t dare breathe on them in case I mess something up :joy:. I think I have really lucked out on how my system has come together the Harbeths work wonderfully with the changes the ndac has brought to the bass. Also the cohesion and effortlessness of music makes everything enjoyable to listen to. Everything just sounds right also it’s still early but is seems to have cured my need to upgrade my first thought when looking at other people’s amazing gear isn’t “I wonder how that could improve my system” but “I’m sure whatever that is is brilliant but I wouldn’t want to risk altering what I have now”. I am sure there are some amazing analytical systems out there that make music sound beautiful and real but I just like how much fun my current sound is.


Just in case anyone is interested….

Just spotted a pre-loved nDAC available with a dealer.

2010 build.


There was a 2011 on eBay as well. Sorely tempted for office.


Too funny, I’m in the States and I’ve contemplated buying another one in case my current one fails for some reason. It’s just so nice sounding and a true bargain IMHO.


I can certainly understand not ever wanting to be without the ndac. I’m just glad they are still being serviced/repaired in case mine ever needs it.


We have listened to other DACs and know that, should our nDAC fail, it would take a reasonable investment to seriously better it. Yes other DACs offer more detail, a leaner sound etc. but all very different presentations.

As part of an OC system the nDAC just has such a wonderful synergy.

We would have to step sideways to NDX2/555PSDR in the short term, which is still very capable. But with no separation of streamer/DAC we’d be back into worrying about switches and network optimisation which we currently avoid.


I’ve had to take my ndac out of the system temporarily and while music is very good without, I’m missing the deeper bass and smoothness. I definitely don’t regret my purchase.


Sadly looks like my ndac is going back to the dealer for a checkup and probably a trip to naim hq (luckily still under warranty). Was having issues so switched everything off and on again in the order suggested by this forum. But getting no music, taking the ndac out of the chain everything works fine. Tried reconnecting today just to make sure.

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