What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

Go on!

You know you want to buy a spare!……


:joy: don’t tempt me.


It’s needed anyway, whether streamer and dac are separated or not

That’s not good to hear, I guess being under warranty takes the cost away but still means being without it for a good few weeks if it has to go back to Naim.
Did it just stop working or were you experiencing issues .

It was working perfectly till Tuesday. I thought the app was having a fit because it wasn’t working properly. Tried shutting and reopening the app, then tried restarting my phone. By that point I had no music at all tried server, airplay, Spotify connect and Bluetooth. Tried restarting the internet and giving it a few minutes. Then since I thought it might be the streamer. I decided to power down the whole system did it in the order Richard recommended in a previous forum thread and then powered everything back up and waited for everything to finish setting up. Still no music. Since my dealers were busy we thought we’d try to narrow down the issue, only thing I can remove is the ndac, once I did that and changed the output settings music started immediately and the app and system minus ndac has worked perfectly ever since. Tried putting the ndac back in this afternoon and again no music, ndac lights up so no fuse or power issues.

Have you tried playing music on a USB memory stick.

Is the DAC sync light on when trying to stream from streamer.

The plot thickens I didn’t realise it worked via usb. I plugged my phone in and the music played fine.

I’ve tried both at this point because I’m slowly going mad but just to make 100% sure it’s the bnc digital output from the streamer right?

Have you tried pressing all the input buttons.

Is the sync light on when streaming from streamer.???

I’ve tried all inputs buttons, no signal light now not sure if there was one at any other point during all this. It is the bnc output on the streamer right?

Tried both ways.

We used to have 272 and Cisco 2960 where switch made an audible difference.

With NDX2/nDAC via SPDIF switch made no difference so we removed it.

Now happily streaming with just a good quality ethernet cable from a properly racked router with good PSU, good cable management etc.

I understand some people want to spend thousands on last few metres of networking, we don’t see the need any more.

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Have you checked the output on the streamer is set to BNC

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You mean in the app yes it’s set to digital bnc and native

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So at this point I’m assuming there are only three possible options for the problem I’ll go in order of signal chain-

  1. Streamer bnc output problem

  2. My naim dc1 bnc to rca lead

  3. Ndac rca input

Unfortunately I don’t have any other cables to test these. Any other suggestions/possibilities you guys can think of?

Have you tried a factory reset of the ND5XS2 just in case, it may display BNC in the app but is it really set on BNC.

Is there anyone you know who may have a BNC to BNC lead

Surely 2 and 3 are eliminated as you said earlier that music plays via your phone plugged into the Ndac.

So I’d never looked up factory reset…why can’t manufacturers put these things where there easy to reach (for example hold down the standby button for a minute or something why is always a tiny hole in the back) or make it an option you can choose in app. And no on cables I’ll have to give my dealer a ring and ask they definitely didn’t have the naim dc1 bnc to bnc. I’m not sure if when they said they didn’t normally stock them they meant the naim one specifically or all bnc to bnc they don’t sell standalone dacs so I’m not sure what they have.

Have you got a Sky box or TV you can run an optical out from into nDAC?

Functional optical cables are like 2 quid on Amazon if you don’t have a stash (many consumer devices come with el cheapo version).

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Neither 2 or 3 were in use during that because I wasn’t using the streamer.

Yes,apologies, long day…misread your update.