What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

I didn’t realise until the recent posts that YouTube premium gave me such good sound definitely trying it tomorrow after I finish the experiments.


I have found listening with a lava lamp really improves the fluidity of the sound.


Yes, it does.

And in my case, also the orangey redness of the sound.

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So tests were interesting, first of all I learned that a sonos soundbar is very possessive of tv sound (it had to be switched off before my tv would stay on optical long enough to commence testing :joy:). So step one was tv to nd5xs2 took a bit of googling, I’m really glad people on here try everything as I found on old thread that suggested tv settings. Really made me appreciate how wide my speakers sound is compared to my soundbar. So the optical cable worked and I commenced with swapping everything to the dac which once I poked the right input on the from worked wonderfully. Final test of the day was to use an rca to bnc adapter to try the bnc to rca lead in the ndac’s bnc input instead of rca just in case it was the rca socket on the ndac which didn’t work, the lead still didn’t work.

So either my nd5xs2’s has an issue with its bnc socket (since it doesn’t have any other digital outputs I don’t have anyway to test that) or it’s the dc1 lead. At least I probably don’t need to send the ndac back.


Sounds like good news ???

Mostly yes I’m pretty sure the ndac is fine now and it means that it’s my local Naim dealer that will help me resolve the issue. I’m just not sure how yet or how long it will take.


Cymbiosis ?\

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Yep they are great guys last week was insanely busy for them but they still tried to help as much as possible.

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A local dealer you can trust is so good !!
Moorgate in Sheffield for me

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So since Cymbiosis said they’d get back to me next week and I was pretty sure it was the cable but not 100% sure I found a cheap crap coaxial cable…it’s half the thickness of the dc1. Plugged in and everything works so it’s definitely the cable. At least now I know for sure.


Good news, glad you were patient and went through things in a logical way, always used to tell my students to try the simple things first, happy days again, are you going to try another dc-1 or move onto something else.


Luckily for me it’s still under warranty so I’ll talk to them on Monday and I assume it’s a trip back to naim hq to test it and repair. Edit: just realised I might be considered unlucky since I’ve only had it two months :joy:.


Great news that you have identified the problem !!


I’m really grateful to everyone on here I never would have thought of trying the usb input (I thought it just did firmware updates and that you could connect your phone to check the firmware). Also wouldn’t have thought to try optical cable which I’m keeping in case my sonos soundbar has issues. I will definitely make the forum my first stop for troubleshooting suggestions in the future. Edit: it would have been embarrassing sending the ndac back to the dealer and have it work fine for them.


The DC-1 is rather stiff perhaps something has cracked

Hope you can get it fixed for free, it’s a rather good sounding cable.


Anyone who has bought a decent lead for the ndac will be relieved to know that a less than £10 extremely thin coaxial lead does not match the dc1 (I’d be disappointed if it did to be honest). Ndac still improves over the bare nd5xs2 but it’s just not quite as smooth and I definitely think there is less bass. It’s interesting to me how changing leads can tune sound slightly.


Out of interest, what do you have the Signal Ground switch set to on the Naim DAC ? Looking at your system profile it should be set to Chassis.


Yes I was lucky enough to see that info when I was researching the ndac via old threads on here. Though I may need to check my streamer as I’ve been switching between things so often while testing.

The streamer setting shouldn’t make much, if any difference here, but good to see the Naim DAC is set correctly. Hope you get the DC1 cable sorted quickly and can then properly evaluate the DAC.

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The saga is over Cymbiosis are great they came round this morning with a new dc1 cable to replace the broken one. Everything is working wonderfully.