What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

Thanks for the kind words :+1:
(To help others, is aways a pleasure).

I can see many hours of happy listening ahead :wink:

How are you getting on with dedicated mains power, at home ?


Is that the signals one? Just asking to know whether there is any point asking about it

Still a work in progress, the three lengths of 10mm2 are in, MK switchless sockets are wired up, so the lounge end is sorted.

Managed to get Western power in to sort out the meter cupboard, new isolator switched fitted, upgraded the fuse and altered the cabling to make room for the Henley blocks.

This is the before pic.

This is the new setup.

Need to pick up the new cu and the internals, meter tails etc, my friend the electrician has told me to populate the box , mount it, then he will call round and connect everything up, I will have to give him a drink but it saves a few pennies.


Hi dmu, yes that’s the one, third time lucky🤞

Congratulations hope you have a brilliant time with it. I’d still rather trial before buying. Also honestly I could do with it being in a month or two onwards to turn up since I’m looking to finally purchase my speakers in November. Hopefully @ratrat is willing to still tell us all if he spots one.

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Found this lot in my cable box! I really do need to move some of this stuff on to a new home.

Amongst the boxes I found this so hopefully it will get me up and running.


Thanks, really hopeful that the Ndac will hit the spot, I had thought about replacing the Nd5xs2 for the Ndx2 but my gut instinct is telling me to try the Ndac.

I noticed you mentioned new speakers, have you got a pair in mind or are you going to start the dreaded speaker auditioning :joy:


Try the nDAC first.
If you don’t get on with it, nothing is lost. As it is entirely possible to resell for same or similar.
Plus, learning something and having fun along the way.

If my memory serves me (not at home right now) the digital out on the ND5 XS2 is BNC. So, you may need to use a RCA - BNC adapter for your Clearway Digital interconnect. Otherwise, okay on the rear of the nDAC, as it has mix of both BNC and RCA for digital inputs.


I’ve been auditioning and have it down to the brand I want Harbeth but I had to wait a few months for a relatively local shop to drop round with all 3 models I want to compare since I physically can’t get into their demo rooms. They said next couple of weeks ish. I’m super excited. I’ll be interested to hear your impressions of the ndac. I’d certainly consider a second hand ndx2 if I only had to pay £1000-1500 on top of trade in. The ndac seems to be the cheaper option at the moment, why is no one in the midlands trading one in with my dealer :joy:


Don’t forget to set the NDac’s floating/ground switch correctly. It can make a surprising difference. I’d probably let everything settle for a week or so and then play around with it.


Found this in the accessories packet that came with the Nd5xs2, should be good to go :+1:
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Hi Geko is there a favourite starting point with the settings?

I do remember reading your posts now you mention it, my son is a fan of Harbeth and they seem very popular on the forum, never heard any but would definitely like to have a listen to some.

Will update when the Ndac is in the system, like wise with your speaker journey.
I see you mentioned the midlands have you tried is it Midland Hifi Exchange at Bellbroughten, not sure I’ve spelt that correctly, been there and they do seem to have plenty of options available just a thought👍

Floating for the ND5XS2, Chassis for the Naim DAC


By dedicated line do you just mean a radial circuit from the existing consumer unit (4mm twin and earth) or a separate consumer unit as well? I put in a dedicated line from my consumer unit and didn’t notice a SQ increase. It didn’t reduce the hum on the Naim units either.

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Answering myself now as I have seen your further posts. You do indeed mean a separate line and cu. My bad.


Mine is a separate feed, so split after the meter, then an additional cu just supplying the Hifi units in the lounge.

The original main house cu is not touched at all, it will be interesting to hear the setup especially as our house is over 50 years old and general degradation will probably have had some affect on the original wiring, sockets etc.

You have certainly done it the right way. I just ran a dedicated radial circuit from my cu. A true separate feed would mean too much upheaval and I would not get domestic approval for it!!

Dear @Bjm
Just caught up and seen latest posts…

Yes, separate dedicated radial, just for audio or AV equipment. General consensus is 10mm2 T&E (twin and earth) cable is considered best.

As a resource, maybe take a look at this thread…
(Lots of others on this forum. However, note the wiring diagram for best practice).

Usual caveat, regulations may be different in international markets. Also, always consult a qualified electrician, etc.

Hope that helps?


Many thanks @ratrat . I have read this thread but do not understand the logic. In the UK all products have a fuse in the plug of a maximum 13A. Excluding cookers and showers, there will either be ring circuits protected by a 32A RCD with 2.5mm T&E cable, or radial protected by a 20A RCD with 4mm T&E.

Most of us connect our music gear to a mains distribution block which may have perhaps 6 sockets but the block itself will be protected by a 13A or 15A/16A fuse. With this in mind, why is 10mm T&E required if using a dedicated line? Surely a distribution block will still be used with a maximum 16A fuse?

I am not an expert by any means but keen to understand.