What will Naim announce next?

All models available in silver textured finish with a white Naim logo, a la Muso and Uniti range but still half moon.

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You do wonder :thought_balloon: if redesign will feature.? In my rack are Olive, Classic and Uniti Nova ,I could see Classic being redesigned to match Uniti

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Having read through this thread again, no one predicted a headphone amp. I can only surmise that as a group we are not that good at predicting what Naim will do next. Now that Naim has brought a new product out we have another opportunity to attempt to guess what is arriving next?

@paulbysea there was another thread a few months ago about product rumours that did predict the new headphone amp, it even included the photo that i posted in the release thread:

The photo was removed at the time though, since it pertained to a product that “didn’t exist”. :wink:

It was mentioned above… (to a point; might have also been another (analogue) product).

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