What, would you say, is the tonal character of NACA4 cable?

I have it, so I know it, but that is in my system.
I wonder how others percieve it.

I would say in a Naim system it depends on how it is,under about 4 meters lean sounding over 5 meters balanced sound .
It is always worth to upgrade to NacA5 which is a much better cable in every way.

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Interesting. So you say 1-2 meters extra change the character.

IME balanced and fine in a Naim system. Outside of that context totally unpredictable.

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Problem free. Works.


Yes,go for over 5 meters ,even better up to 12 meters.

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Lean compared to the A5 at 3-4 metres long. I was surprised at the difference when I first tried the a5. I haven’t heard longer lengths of either.

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I had 10m lengths until about a year ago. I’d never been convinced NACA5 was that much better but needed an extra .5m due to the room my system was in. NACA4 sounds lively and a little uncouth compared to the NACA5, typical of CB equipment sounds vs Olive, but no worse for it. Still not convinced NACA5 is that much better and it is definitely not as easy to work with.

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Possibly from no discernible ‘character’ or influence on the sound to several different, likely depending on what amp it is connecting to what speakers, and length may influence…

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I use nacA4 in the Linn K20 guise in a full active system. Id go with the no discernible character .My runs are 3 x5.5m Yes ive used brighter cables . NacA5 possible slight heavier in bass. But its not a tone control cable imo very even sounding.
That might be classed as boring or grey sounding if you have a system requiring some tonal enhancement .


Having recently changed from NAC A4 - which have had from virtually when it was first available (my A4 runs have no Naim Audio marking) - I did not notice any great change.

No saying there isn’t one - but not that I noticed… :thinking:

YMMV, etc.

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As I wrote, I have them and have used them with my SN3.
But I think they are a tiny bit too bright/light in my setup.
Maybe because they are just 2.5 meters…
Anyhow, I have these old Hitachi SSX102.
Long crystal, oxygen free.
They have a more rounded character, a little meatier sound.
I prefer them.

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