Whatever Happened to the Connection Magazine

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the Connection Magazine has disappeared. The last one I’ve seen was the 26th of July last year. The website has been updated but only to announce the new 300 series events across the UK.

Pretty sure we used to get it by email every quarter.


I stopped getting them many years ago, even though I always registered new gear. I just figured it was now another one of those ‘only for UK customers’ things, like all the other promos are now.

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Marketing has been moved to France….

But, I did get a random email the other day promoting the Muso 2……


Yep that UK only stuff is annoying. :grin:


I can’t remember the last email I got.


Maybe they think I’m in the UK. But you would think the .nz part of the email would be a give away.

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Where’s Madame Claire when she’s needed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She dumped us as quick as some of my ex girlfriends.


I’m in the UK, and I haven’t seen a Connection magazine - in whatever format - for some years now.


And probably rightly so :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


Same. Don’t think I ever received an issue, after decades of buying Naim gear and multiple signups.

IIRC, @Richard.Dane had mentioned in another thread that all the marketing had moved to France as someone had pointed out the lack of updates to the Naim website and social media accounts.
It does seem to be a bit lacking these days.


Looking at the website there is a section called a connection magazine, but it’s just product launch events and “look we got an award in a magazine” splashes. There is a sign up for the magazine action, but on my iPad it has links over it which bring you to the forum. It looks like the last time there was an article with content rather than the above was in 2020.

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The Connection Magazine became an online resource on the website some years back now. The last update was in September of this year with an article announcing the upcoming New Classic 300 Series Events across the UK;


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It’s not really the same thing though.

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No it isn’t, however, there hasn’t been an actual physical magazine for some years now.

For all that, it’s well worth trawling through the articles posted in the online Connection. Some really good ones that are well worth a read or even a re-read from time to time.

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True but it was a digital mag, just curious as to why it no longer exists.

Probably for similar reasons why so many physical magazines are disappearing and either going to online only or vanishing altogether.

Always intrigues me on the naim website

The DAC- V1

Someone has forgotten to advise that’s it’s discontinued :flushed:

Years ago.