When Your Dealer Says There is no Need to Upgrade!

@daddycool i already had a Rega P9 from my previous Rega system. . I suspect that will suffice. Interestingly, the P9 was the only aspect of the system to survive home renovations. Who would have thought. By comparison, I am finding that I play vinyl less often because of disability. Streaming and CD are easier for me. I might be convinced about a P10, but not sure. I wonder what a P10 will bring to the table if I am using the phono input of the SN3? Moreover, with my addition of an XPSdr for the NDX2, I have no more shelves for a phono stage. I have ruled out a suspension TT given my disabilities.


Should the urge to upgrade come back, I highly recommend a Violectric headphone amp for your Utopia headphones. I am sure the SN3 will do a very good job though. I used to have a Naim HeadLine/Supercap with my Utopias and thought that was superb. Until curiosity got the better of me and I got a Violectric V281 to compare. There are of course a plethora of great alternatives out there. Anyhow, just thought I should mention it. Enjoy what you have!

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Apart from the Utopias (I have Audeze), I had the exact same experience. My Violectric 200 stayed, the Headline went (freeing up the Supercap for Superline).

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You will need to use a step up transformer as the p10 package comes with an mc cartridge the apheta.

My dealer is great and has never told me to upgrade but I’ve done it over the years and don’t see me ever needing anything more. Love your music!
My system:
252 preamp
300 power supply and amp (not DR)
Uniti music server - great alternative to a CD player
NDX2 streamer
Superline phono stage
Rega P8 with Hana Red
Spendor 9.2s
All Naim cabling.
It’s perfect for me.

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Start reviewing music/records so we can hear the stuff you’re listening to on your bombin’ system : )

“When Your Dealer Says There is no Need to Upgrade!”

There is never a need to upgrade! You might desire to, or the dealer might wish to sell you something, but neither is a need, and even if something is off with the system requiring changing something, that need not be an upwards move.

Of course, your dealer’s sanity might be in question if you went in, money in hand, itching to spend it, to be dismissed with those words… Or s/he could be playing the long game, gaining your absolute trust through not appearing interested in selling. Or perhaps genuinely interested In getting the best solution for you, encouraging you to enjoy your new system and get used to it, for a good length of time (at least a year, maybe a couple), before discussing possible improvements taking into account your by then good experience of what you have.

@Innocent_Bystander i have had two dealers in my audiophile lifetime. My circumstances changed, so we needed a dealer locally in NYC, who would offer home setup and tech support because of disability. This proved to be my original dealer. We go back more than 40 years and I trust him (Innovate Audio) to the fullest extent. The change was necessary because my dealer at the time was not in NYC and could no longer offer home support. Moreover when we decided to change to Naim from Rega, my dealer at the time ( Signature Sound) was not a Naim Dealer. I have the highest regard for both dealers. Infact, Signature Sound helped with the transition back to Innovative Audio. Having a dealer you trust is essential.

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