Which cart for an ARO - Phonosophie no3 with prefix

You should try a Goldring refurbished Linn Troika,I loved mine when I had the Analogue Rules Okay tonearm .

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I will look for a cart soon.
Update on aro…

Aro in the house (quite expensive) - all fine with him! Phonosophie de-installed him from the other Phonosophie TT and I cleaned everything very carefully!!!

Aromatic lift won’t fit as prefix is installed inside. Than I will do it the cowboy way.
Cart is not yet decided…
DV xx2a or Linn… will see. Maybe a bit cowboy practice first with my current benz.

Will be installed end of August :slight_smile:


I have been using the AT ART9XA for over a year on my ARO and am very pleased. The output is only 0.2 mV but my Naim 323 cards give enough volume for most purposes. I previously had the much cheaper AT33EV (0.3 mV) which sounded very similar but not so quiet wrt surface noise.

Not sure what you mean by this…?

Which 323 cards - S, K or E…?

I have only used Dynavector cartridges with my Aro. Initially it came with the Aro-matic lift which I did not get on with and it went for recycling! My first two carts were the Te kaitora Rua which I thought sounded great. Quite a bulky cart and required fitment of the heavier counter weight - bear this in mind when considering options. A few years ago I auditioned some other cartridges and was completely blown away by the xv1-t. My hearing is not great but that particular cartridge was so exceptional even I noticed! The major downside came when I unpacked my audio kit after a house move and found, despite fitting the stylus guard, ‘something’ happened in transit/ storage (all on me) and the suspension perished. At time of writing DHL are transporting arm and cart back to Leicester and I am bracing myself for some bad news!



Thanks a lot!
What is the reason to get the heavier counterweight?
Mine is the normal one I think.
The Te kaitora Rua is 9,8 g - very similar to other DV carts.
The xv1-t is 12g
The smaller ones are 9 g - as it my Benz.

from what mass of the cart I do need a heavies counterweight - and where can I get one?

Some prefer the sound with the weight nearer the pivot but the standard one will work fine and sit around the middle of the stub with 9g plus screws.
Naim can’t sell you one any more so if Leicester can’t oblige you’ll be scraping the E bay barrel for one anyway.

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It sometimes appears on Ebay from LP12-Bits.
How can I see, which one I have…
Don’t know the carts which had been playing on the arm - last was Ortofon Black
But looks like the weight was located more in pivot direction

Think I got the standard one - diameter is less them 30mm.

Oh,then skip Linn Troika until you have a K Prefix

The S & K boards have the same gain, AFAIK.
So in the absence of K boards, S boards would be fine.
K boards are a tweaked version of the S boards, done to suit the Linn Karma and its ‘offspring’…

The offspring is Linn Troika etc.
I have tried the Troika sounds much better with K boards.

this can easily be changed to K :slight_smile:
But where can I get a troika???

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Agree,easier to convert S to K,than finding a Troika :blush:

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But what is similar… nothing - I know…
Dynavector? XX2a or Te kaitora Rua?
Koetsu rosewood?
Hana Red?
Lyra Kleos?

I would say the “cheapest” to come anywhere close Linn Karma otherwise Linn Krystal.
I have had Lyra Delos ,but not anywhere close in boogie factor only lots of details.


That’s what I am looking for.
When I am up to details, I can go digital.
Like the vinyl to be a bit more on the warm side.
Linn Krystal so …???

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Yes,but also needs K boards.

Guess it does - but I think phonosophie can also change that. Prefix is inside the deck.
Same as yours.
Remember - I was the one selling a superline and keeping the prefix. Only few here fully agreed - you did :blush:
Would like to keep the vinyl source full 90s - Julian’s turntable :blush:

But I am still bit hesitant, if I should keep my Benz wood for the moment for lift practice with aro

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I think the Karma came before the Troika…? The main different is the mounting - the Troika being 3 screws (hence its name…) and the Karma just the normal 2.

Yes, Karma introduced 1983, Troika 1986. Both discontinued 1994. Specs are identical.

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K boards are for karma - initially designed but for Troika also perfect
You have no idea how I admired this reddish cart the days back

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