Which cart for an ARO - Phonosophie no3 with prefix

That’s correct and the Karma is also very good but lack some of the
outstanding bass performance and musicality of the Troika.

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Perfect !
How old is the Benz ?
Yes the Prefix is superb !
Absolutely keep it JV style :ok_hand:

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@igel Benz is 4 years old (lately not used very often) Love its signature…
Only disadvantage… hole to stylus won’t fit

A cartridge is also performing differently with different arms, turntables and phono, as you know well.
In my set up, the Delos was a marvel for the price. The best cart I could have heard at that price, for jazz rock, funk, soul…albums.
The Dynavector xx 2 was good, but lacked drama.
Benz , too soft.
Koetsu black, very nice but romantic.
Van den Hull frog , could have bought too.

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Here again - I am a softy :blush:
Van den hul … will look there as well.
The crimson… wood :grinning:

Maybe not all…I heard the Benz lps, something like that.

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I changed the thread title- really would like to keep the prefix.
Had a Benz e605 before - this was made by van den hul.

Have some time to decide - till end of August.

Have seen some pics in the net from aro parts. Mine - even as it from 1989 - is in really good shape. All shiny
Good :heart_eyes:

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Ok - LPs has its admirers
I know that.
As you mentioned - arm and tt will bring their parts to the mix

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Absolutely,I think it also has to do with the high output of the Delos into Naim K boards .Delos Output voltage: 0.6mV@5cm/sec

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I would change it,4 years is a long time …

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Any cartridge will fit but they can’t be adjusted for optimal overhang as there are no adjustment slots in the headshell.
You have to remember that this was originally set for the optimum overhang of Linn two point then later three point mounting holes.
There are some that by luck do line up but it’s certainly not every cartridge.
A compromise is sometimes made.
Contact your Aro expert dealer to confirm. :wink: :+1:t2:


Is this good or bad - high output into naim k boards?

My aro expert dealer (in the 80s and beginning 90s naim distributor) told me that he had long chats with naim about it and they told him.
The overhang has no massive effect - aro is very forgiving!

It should be at half of its lifetime.
But also tend to replace …
Dv xx2a
Van den hul

Must go the warm way - same as with digital, as my room is more on analytical side

Bad ,the output for Troika 0,2

I run my Benz - 0,4 - with prefix s

Total rubbish.
Why does overhang exist if not required what a stupid thing for someone to say.
Anyone insulting my intelligence to that level deserves to be at least ignored. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yes,that’s okay,the Linn Krystal has the same output 0,4
I have had Benz Gold also 0,4 works fine into K boards

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In theory totally fine - but do you hear a difference… others had also mentioned that several carts work well on the aro. Not everyone with correct overhang.

I think to remember that 1000/1500 hours is an average life for good cartridges. So if you listen like me around 150 hours per year, it can last maybe 8 years.