Which cart for an ARO - Phonosophie no3 with prefix

I am not good in the physics behind the carts …
In the reviews of the Hana it is recommended to use 120ohm in the phono pre. Mine has 470 ohm - prefix s. Does it work?
I really like to keep the prefix as I like the sound so much - earthiness.

Always higher values with Naim boards and Superline,so 470 would work,but as I said before K boards are ultimately better with cartridges with controlled highs

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Linn says 50-200r
for Krystal,but the preferred loading in a Naim phonoamp is 560 -576 r

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So nice :heart_eyes:


I agree with your dealer, the ART 1000 is extraordinary. No cantilever, coils right next to the stylus makes for lightning fast, vivid, nuanced musical flow. Very delicate to handle, though. I’ve used it on a Technics deck with removable headshell, easier to inspect and clean.

As I read it is being discontinued - sad.

Ah, but a new, improved model has been announced, the 1000X. Details on The Ear and elsewhere.

You called, my Lord?
@frenchrooster too :grin:

I had a couple of Dynavector XX-2 mk 2 cartridges and thought that they were excellent. They didn’t draw attention to themselves but simply made music sound better. When the second one wore out, I nearly went for a Dynavector XV-1S but on my dealer’s recommendation went for a Hana Umami Red. He also has one on his MG-1 turntable, so it was a safe bet.
What’s it like? It gets out of the way and let’s music sound even more enjoyable and engaging than the XX-2 managed. We’re very happy with it.

Best regards, BF


I can’t answer you directly on this one, as you have a Prefix and I use a Sim Audio Moon 310LP phono stage. What I can say is that the Umami Red uses the same loading on the 310LP as our XX-2 cartridges did.

Best regards, BF

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Tha latter at least. Joe Harley tells me he gets double that from his two Lyra Atlas. He uses them professionally and probably pays wholesale for rebuilds, and writes that off as a business expense. So it’s not like he’s financially stressed to stretch it out for too long. Anyone who doesn’t get 2500 hrs or more out of a Lyra Atlas isn’t taking care to keep records and stylus clean and/or has flaws in setup (with VTF and/or AS for example).

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Maybe the lifetime becomes much shorter when someone doesn’t clean his records, as you said, and to add to that, uses green paper. A little wink to @Igel .

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That might be so :+1:,Lyra Delos I didn’t have so long,because I didn’t like it.


@Igel @Devraj
There is still my powerigel plus to be installed behind the rack.
I postponed it, as I like to combine it with naca5 new plug soldering. This much cable drama I only would like to do once :rofl:

Long story
Should I use the powerline (from Igel) on the Olive supercap powering the prefix and the psu for the phonosophie (p3ps)?
Both from Olive era - is powerline too much?
Powerigel has 6 cables - so it’s enough. But do not know if I should stay standard cable for the Olive boxes for the TT.
Too bad - no place for both Igels (standard and plus) :worried:

I use a Musicline Neitleiste to connect two Powerigels and still have Strarearth.
I wouldn’t worry about the Phonosophie PSU for disturbing the Amps,it’s made the same way as a Armageddon,I think.

The question is?
Powerline on supercap (Olive) and p3ps (like Armageddon) or not? :blush:
Have both options

Hi ,

I use Powerline for Prefix/Supercap and also P3 power supply. Definitely not overkill. Then powerlines for everything except 2x250 which has a hydra.


Than I will do the same! 500ps + 552ps + 2x555ps + SC + P3PS = 6.
That’s what the Igel has.
Innous PN and zenith with single powerline via netzleiste ! :blush:

Agree with Devraj.
Source first ,the best power to Turntable and Prefix.


@Devraj Which prefix do you use with your DV cart? S or K?
Or have I asked already ?