Which cart for an ARO - Phonosophie no3 with prefix

Thank so much.
I will write him an email.
Cymbiosis is soo nice - my prefix came from them. You could be so lucky to have such dedicated and nice dealers in the uk.
There is a dealer in Kiel / Germany who is an lp12 specialist - will give him a call as well.

Linn carts are lightweight - so the standard counterweight will be fine.


Yes very close to the Linn Troika


Called our local lp12 linn specialist!
Linn carts perfectly fit to the aro. 3 holes will work!
Kendo will be fine with prefix s.

One have to get used to the cantilever (correct word?) to be very exposed with kendo and extatic. Both carts made by emt

S boards are 470,
K 560, recommendations for Naim Superline and Linn carts 573 R,so I doubt that S boards are a perfect match…

Dealer meant that kendo is a bit different than other linn carts.
It k is the match I go for a switch (s to k) :blush:
Hope this is manageable - last time I checked, it was no problem to transform s into k and vice versa

Okay,I see :ok_hand:

Yes, 7.5mm ideal but up to 10mm is within tolerance.
I looked at it when I brought my Lyra Kleos SL. Works very well imo. With Lyra you’re find the music fast detailed and fun. Very nice brand to match with naim audio imo.


But… S boards (or an S Stageline) will work - for sure.

The 323/523 boards can be converted between S, K and E, by Naim or a service agent (I had a set of 523 S boards convered to E by @Darran at Class A).


For sure,done that.
The K boards are the best boards,the S boards have a roll off in the high frequencies.

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Maybe that is what my environment needs :rofl:
I like naca 5 over ks1.
No „birdfishing“ :rofl:

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Hi @Devraj
Which prefix do you use with the dv17?
I think our turntable is now nearly equal :blush:

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Spoke to my dealer this morning and he suggested something like the Dynavector XX-2a. He says it will cope with just about anything you throw at it and doesn’t do anything badly. A really good cartridge that does a lot well with no real vices - his words. If you want that Troika type sound he said you should look at the Hana’s. And if you want something seriously special and have the money the ART 1000 is getting quite a cult following at the moment and would be his choice if money was no object.


@geko You are the best.
Currently on my shortlist

  • linn kendo
  • dv xx2a
  • Hana umami red
  • koetsu

Hana’s are a bit heavier: 10,5g

I think Hana umani red is now on pole position!
I would really like to have this analogue flair.
Now I should look for a heavier counterweight …
And check if prefix k will be better. Think so.
@all: umani red into prefix s or k?

Too heavy with 10,5g?
Dv xv1t is 12g

I really look forward (and fear) the moment when aro and a pricy top mc cart completed the TT… how will it compare to the digital chain I put a lot money in… :wink:

Somebody somewhere wants a Troika lookalike. :wink:


Got me :heart_eyes::rofl::blush:
Really - love it’s looks


I had a Troika for over 20 years and moved it on in favour of the new Krystal purely because of age.
Very bad mistake I got two with faults and named it the worst product ever.
I’d never have or recommend one to anyone.
Manufacturing defects noted by my very well reputed dealer who as always makes things right and me happy. :+1:t2:


Good choice. Highly praised actually, lots of very good reviews.
@Bluesfan has one.

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Would go for kendo…
Should be a perfect match - output, wheight, overhang…

But after @Geko asked his dealer I found some reviews on Hana red and they completely told the same as his dealer. This combination of detail and rich/warm involvement is what I like on sigma cable so much.
This could be my sound signature!

Hope it will work with prefix and normal counterweight


I wish you well and think you might go Hana Red the Troika had a lovely warm midrange that was very easy listening and if it’s said to be similar then go for it.
I’ve no listening opinion on the EMT range but I do think they tend to be more in the way of trendy and esoteric in materials.
That said not on my radar.
My Kandid is Fine. :heart_eyes: