Which cartridge alignment do you use?

Ok, so seems to be a misunderstanding. To be clear, links to manuals, when not on the manufacturers site, are in principle okay?

Today’s discussion motivated me to try something I’ve wanted to do since I got my Universal arm 18 months ago and my Dynavector XV-1s a year ago, but was too lazy to work on it. I’ve been using the IEC R=60.325 alignment, with a 225 mm spindle to pivot distance. I changed it to the Clearaudio r=65 alignment with a 222mm (recommended) spindle to pivot distance. I also tweaked my VTALifter to make it more straightforward to dial in the VTA for 120 gr, 180 gr and 200 gr, etc pressings. Listening now to see if it matters enough. I suspect it will be very minor.

Or maybe it’s just that people are bored and stir crazy with sheltering in place. :man_shrugging:

I don’t know about the accuracy of these, but I like that they are round / record size. Is the back smooth enough to be used for setting the anti-skating?

I use my dealer to do this, as both he and I see it as part of his service.

The Vertere turntable does come with an alignment protractor though.

Best regards, BF

The description indicates thick paper, so I doubt it will be smooth.

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