Which Ethernet cable for the NSS 333?

System dependent, exactly. I fully agree with you.

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And network dependent with Ethernet Cables and Switches


agree that power supplies probably the first thing to do but routers also need ones so you may need up to 3 of them

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I should have precised system as a whole, components, room, mains, network ā€¦

Can you describe the more advanced technologies that you are saying make audioquest and synergistic research better at making streaming cables than Chord?

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In terms of AQ I guess itā€™s the 72V DBS system. Some also use a ground connector for the shield and one of the pins on the Ethernet connector like Entreq to connect to a ground box.

But what is the difference between that and the Chord Aray technology?

Chord say: ā€œEach GroundARAY cylinder is filled with a carefully chosen material to deaden noise.ā€

[Finely ground Batshit perhaps? :thinking:]

How much do you understand about these different technologies?

Please give a more in depth comparison of the different technologies and how they interact with aspects of room-speaker-system, et cetera. :nerd_face:


Yeah, but there is no real mention of actual network conditions that may affect the streamer. All the talk from audiophiles appears to be common mode noise reduction rom the actual physical electrical cable, as well as possibly reducing coupling of the phase noise from the serialisation clock in an Ethernet port. Nothing actually about networking. Much of the talk on here on ā€˜networkingā€™ might easily apply to the automation link cable, or connecting a TV or similar via SPDIF to the streamer.

I genuinely think in audiophile land many are being taken for a ride. A change in noise characteristics from a cable attached to an Ethernet port can subtly change the tonal balance, and this is perceived as ā€˜improvementā€™, but is more likely audible interaction with your room, and speaker placement is as likely to make the changes.
For example Naim know how to adjust the noise floor (note not remove it) to act as a kind of tone control on their streamer DACsā€¦ and this has been tweaked to suit taste in firmware releases.

So sure changing any cable, ethernet, mains, vhf antenna, automation, SPDIF coax, can all indirectly change the balance of the sound ā€¦ but the cable itself is unlikely to ā€˜improveā€™ the audio signal by any meaningful way.ā€¦ but the tweaked resultant tonal balance may suit oneā€™s replay and listening environment better, perhaps reduce the prominence of room reflections or a certain resonance. (I do think connectors are worth focussing on howeverā€¦ as there is real merit here, as contact connectors can be a real electrical compromise)

So by all means experiment, but if it was me I wouldnā€™t spend much money. You donā€™t need to spend a lot to experiment.

I certainly have a largish box of cables, some home made, some not, that I have experimented with in the past.

For those genuinely want to experiment with audiophile exotica and tweak to taste, and it can be fun for analogue interconnects etc , and you are handy with a soldering iron, the Hifi Collective is a great source of exotic cables and components from the audiophile component wholesalers that you can make up yourself, for a tiny fraction of the price of a pre packaged consumer items.


Donā€™t shoot the messenger :smile::man_shrugging:

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All VFM and sense & sensibility aside (C-line is all that of course but sounded dull to me) I believe you would like what you hear with an cable above Epic. I particularly liked the Indigo (which I guess sits somewhere between Signature and Sarum). This will complement your streamer/DAC level and other interconnects too.

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I really must use ā€˜just kiddingā€™ emojis more oftenā€¦ :wink:

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Indeed did extensive testing years back between the AQ Vodka, AQ Diamond and Chord Music. I even had the Diamond for a short while in my system. It was a step up from the Vodkaā€¦, but at some points could become to much analytical and losing the music. The Chord Music was a step ahead - showing the detail, without losing musicality.


The Chord music is very nice, but also very expensive. My previous experiences with AQ cables is that they are quite pushy and have too much impact on te overall sound quality, resulting in too much bass or treble. Therefor I prefer Chord cables which are in general quite neutral.

Based on previous comments I will consider the Farad Super 3 power supply upgrade and the Chord Signature, Indigo, Epic or Network acoustic ENO ethernet cables.

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Agreed, standard Ethernet cables is all you need. Iā€™ve tried the expensive cables from Sablon and Network Acoustics and IMO theyā€™re no better than the certified BJC cables I use now.

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Not hearing a difference might very well also be that ones system is not good enough for one to hear the changes. My system today is far more sensitive to any changes than say an earlier Supernait system or say a small frequency limited stand mount speaker vs a full range big floor standing speaker.

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Yes I donā€™t know what small speakers you used previously, but smaller high end near field speakers are usually going to be the more discerning in finer detail and nuance albeit at a loss of scale than larger standmount none near field speakersā€¦ as of course the ideal speaker is a point source.
Undue system sensitivity is sometimes an indication of room issues or RFI issues. If you are finding your system is easily shifting between off sounding and good soundingā€¦ I would look into this ā€¦ my bets are on room issues. Using high end magnetic planar headphones with a good headphone amp is also a good leveller to isolate room issues. The more accurate your speakers, and indeed your electronics, especially your sources, the more you are susceptible and notice room interactions through comb filtering, resonances and reflections. A subtle tonal shift can have a disproportionate affect on SQ at the listening position .

This was the path I discovered a several years back and indeed wrote about it on the forum. Certainly worth a consideration if you are finding your system has become over sensitive to tweaks.

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DesignaCable CATsnake 6a is to my ears, better than BJC, as the final link in the chain to the streamer. BJC are very good for the cost but the sound is quite ā€˜leanā€™. Excellent for longer runs further up the streaming chain.

The nDAC did nothing for me. The only bit of Naim kit that I moved onā€¦very rapidly.


I have purchased the Neotech Neet 1008 cable and I have to say that this cable is very good. Great dynamics! This cabe if less than 300 euros and is comparable with much more expensive cables.


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