Which Focal for NAP500?

NAC252 as pre amp
Goldnote Mediterraneo as turntable

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Can you not negotiate taking your amp at least for a confirmation if you’d like the speakers with the McIntosh? And what about taking your speakers? (Have you asked the dealer about either of these things?)

I’d thought I would chip in here. I am now very happy with the Stella Utopia powered by a Naim Statement set. Yes, it took a couple of years of pain to get things sorted. However, the tweeters are now pretty mellow and I will not do anything on the speaker + amp combo for the foreseeable future. Would I do it again ? Maybe not (but that’s another story for another time).

When I auditioned for the Stella, Dealer had 2 units of 500 (not sure if DR) hooked up to try to get as close to the amp I have at home. It was more than adequate. The Stellas are fairly efficient but I am unsure on the impedance curve.

PS : I have come to the conclusion that the Focals are very misunderstood speakers due to the fact that they need an insurmountable amount of break-in time. Many never heard them post break-in & hence the oft negative remarks on the sound. Bright & thin are most frequently used descriptors.



With the level of speakers you are going for, I would go for a 552DR and ND555 with 555PSDR to get the most out of them.

Having said that you have an excellent system.

I think if you really want the speakers after a demo then get them.

I have really gone for everything that I want with my system and it has paid dividends.

Although the most expensive item I have is my LP12, where I spent around £15k in upgrades on.

To put things in perspective I have full 500 system and Linn Klimax LP12. Most of it is bought used and would cost £140k new. I have probably spent £70k ex demo, some new, mainly used.

£40k is big money on one part of your hifi. Speakers will define the sound of your system in so many ways.

It’s a big purchase. But things are relative. If you have £500k in the bank then fair enough. If you have £40k in the bank then I wouldn’t do it!


At that level of speaker I would suggest a source and pre amp upgrade first.


I think your post is brilliant as you have experience of this level of speaker and have been through it all!


As you have 120 k to spend, why not go first for a 552 and Nd555/ 2 X 555 dr.
Your actual pre and source will be a real weak part on 120 k speakers.


It reminds me an old thread , however a bit different, but similar in spirit:
“ Wilson Sasha with a Nova ? “.

I agree with that level of speaker quality that source and preamp would need to be upgraded. Sometimes it is a case of speakers first though.

The speakers make a huge difference in the sound of a system, sometimes that has to come first.

@PPT might want to consider an S1 with 500DR at this level too.

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That said, the current source isn’t up to a 500. I suspect 555 and 552 and the current speakers will be better than the current source and preamp with £120,000 speakers. I don’t want to mention the M word, but the system is already there and better speakers will make it worse.

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No matter the discount would you spend £40k on a car without a road test?

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Yes. Although it was a lease. BMW 330D MSport XDrive. Great deal! That was about 6 years ago. Was a £42k car.

Bought last car blind and got it delivered. Although that was only £9k.

And got £28k van 2 years ago lease no test drive.

That’s me. We all do things differently.

I am prepared to buy blind based on reviews and deals.


Do you think that upgrading the streamer to 555 (I already have the 555 PS not the XPS) and the per to a Nac 552, all the system would sound good with Canton Refernce 3K?
My worry is that sooner or later I need to upgrade my speakers. So why do not start from speakers… With 40k I would even by a brand new pair of Focal Utopia Scala. In this case I would be able to listen to them with the NAP500…

You have very good speakers as it is although I haven’t listened to them.

Upgrading your source and preamp would be best bet.

Then get speakers commensurate with your system.

You are looking at buying speakers more in line with Full Statement.

They will sound good. The concern is they may be too good for your current system.

I don’t know how how you feel your speakers are holding back your enjoyment but a 552 in your system looks to be an obvious step. 552 from 252 is a real leap. I have been there.



No problem with my Isobariks
They were not expensive though, I’d have them for any Focal.

You are looking at a Mullet system where speakers are disproportionately good for your amps and source.

Ir’s best to keep your system balanced. A 552DR and better source such as ND555 will work better with speakers you are proposing.

But ideally a much better amp system such as S1 preamp and 500DR or full statement would be commensurate.

You are being offered speakers that nobody else seems to want. Buyer beware.


Some people are dyed-in-the-wool adherers to the source first dogma - but not all of us. Any system is limited by its weakest link (the computer GIGO analogy is simply not applicable to hifi), but as the speakers set the system sound character it makes sense to get the ones that sound best to your ears as soon as you can, subject to amp being capable of controlling them adequately and source being of a reasonable standard. You know then that future upgrades will simply add to the already great sound. Different perhaps if no future upgrading is anticipated, when it may be more beneficial to get good balance in the system while still getting the best (to your ears) speakers that you can afford as part of tgat balance.


Great post @Innocent_Bystander. Changing my speakers to Sopra 2 was biggest upgrade and shift in sound.

Going for great speakers is good idea. We just want OP to be sure they are the right ones at the price.