Which Kind of Blue?

Yes, all those others to me are unlistenable. And there are also visual kinds of blue, in particular Three colours blue and Betty Blue.

But I suspect not the kinds of blue the OP wanted…

People still mix (!) up the difference between terms. Hoffman Forum was invaluable in my education about Masterings, Mixes, Pressings, Pressing Plants (not the garden variety!) etc…

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I think the MoFi is the one I would caution about as I found it to be too bass-y on my system. This of course would be system dependent so-YMMV. I believe the other current pressings are good.

An example of bad mastering by BG: Dire Straits / Communique
I thought that most here prefer generally the US pressings vs the European ( often BG). I remember threads on that.

I should clarify my earlier post. I was referring to the ears of Joni Mitchell.

However, given Bernie’s age I think it’s a valid point re:the pair of them.

I don’t know the Dire Straits details but…Bernie would have mastered the US albums I’d have thought.

Not sure why everyone is talking about Miles Davis and Joni Mitchell. I was referring to the mighty Eiffel 65!

:joy: :crazy_face: :rofl:

My original pressing sound so more lively. This BG is flat sounding.

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I agree. I didn’t particularly like the US BG reissue, like you, finding it rather flat sounding. I much preferred my original. However, the US BG reissue of the S/T (1st album) and Love Over Gold sounded great.

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Could be, I really wouldn’t know, never owned a Dire Straits album…but you think most Forum people prefer the BG mastering? Or have I misunderstood, perhaps…

My original post which opened the discussion and Kev response was about the differences between European pressings and US for a same album. I remember people saying that it’s better to have an US pressing than the European one. Audiophile albums are splited in two different pressings, one for the European continent and the other is US.
The European audiophile pressings are very often Bernie Grundman, Pallas, and US are by Kevin Gray. ( often).

But maybe I generalise a bit too much.

I couldn’t comment FR, as all Dire Straits sounds terrible to me, no matter who mastered or cut it – you can’t polish a turd, as we say in English (“Vous ne peux pas polir une crotte”?)


Don’t waste your money. :wink:


I have the first Dire Straits original album. One of my top best sounding quality albums. And for music enjoyment too.
Have the 45 pm analogue seduction too. No better, different.

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Analogue seduction?

Do tell us more. I could be interested!

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He is French, after all… :rofl:


Analogue seduction is a UK online audio site.
So I wanted to write instead « Analogue Productions »

How disappointing. I was hoping for something rather more exciting.

I should have realised that, with your excellent command of the English language, you wouldn’t confuse your words!

Freudian slip maybe . Thanks for not doubting on my abilities to write in English. Despite it being very average. :grin:

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You’ve not heard my French…

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